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[EquisMetaStock Group] equity line in test

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Ok, everyone was great last time I asked a question, so I'm hoping 
you can help me with this as well.
What I'm wanting to do now is as part of my system test, create a 
formula that includes the equity line as part of the test.  So that 
for example if the 20 day moving average of the equity line is lower 
today then it was yesterday, that generates a sell signal in the 
test.  It's easy enough to drop the moving average indicator onto the 
equity line after it's been tested, but even then I can't figure out 
how to refer to it, to make it part of the test.  It might not be 
possible, and even then, might not be viable in real world 
situations, but it is something I wanted to try, so any thoughts 
would be great.
By the way, thanks Roy for your help on creating formula for selling 
after a number of periods, it's been great, and I now understand it, 
and have adapted it for other uses.


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