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Re: RE:Re: SR ZigZag Trend by Spyros Raftopoulos

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Spyros :

Thanks again, and again a lot !

I have tried your SR ZigZag Trend (SR ZZT) v.4}
and teste different parameters : 0,1,1  works really great
and is a major enhancement to the things i use.
I am not easy satisfied and very critical but if it is
great i am the first to say so : Spyros this is really good
work !


Theo Lockefeer

----- Original Message -----
From: "SR" <raftsp@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 7:17 PM
Subject: RE:Re: SR ZigZag Trend by Spyros Raftopoulos

> Theo
> I just sent a similar responce to David so this is a copy of the message I
> sent him.
> 1. Make 5 fixed amount indicators called "SR ZZT1", "SR ZZT2", ..."SR
> that use different reversal amounts.
> I had suggested 3%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% respectively, but one can use
> Fibonacci numbers instead:
> 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 or try other values. Some users complained that they don't
> see anything displayed in their charts.
> If this happens, use lower numbers for the reversal amounts and/or
> the number of periods displayed in your chart.
> The code for each one of the SR ZZTs is this:
> {**********************************************************}
> {SR ZZT1}
> amnt:=3; {This is different for each of the 5 indicators}
> { Don't change anything below this line unless you know what you are
> md:=1;
> vr:=CLOSE;
> zz0:=If(md=1, Zig(vr,amnt,%), Zig(vr,amnt,$));
> zz1:=Ref(zz0,-1);
> zz2:=Ref(zz0,-2);
> tr:=ValueWhen(1,zz0>zz1 AND zz1<zz2, zz1);
> pk:=ValueWhen(1,zz0<zz1 AND zz1>zz2, zz1);
> PU:=If(md=1,tr+Abs(tr)*amnt/100,tr+amnt);
> PD:=If(md=1,pk-Abs(pk)*amnt/100,pk-amnt);
> res:=If(vr>=PU AND zz0>zz1,1,
> If(vr<=PD AND zz0<zz1,-1,0));
> res:=If(res<>0,res,ValueWhen(1,res<>0,res));
> res
> {**********************************************************}
> This was the code for SR ZZT1. After you have created it, make a copy of
> name it "SR ZZT2" and change the reversal amount to read
> amnt:=5;
> Leave the rest of the code as it is. Make subsequent copies, each time
> a different amount, until you have made all 5 SR ZZTs.
> After you've done that create the SR ZZTsum indicator:
> {**********************************************************}
> {SR ZZTsum}
> Fml("SR ZZT1") + Fml("SR ZZT2") + Fml("SR ZZT3") + Fml("SR ZZT4") +
> ZZT5")
> {**********************************************************}
> Since this indicator sums the 5 binary (1 or -1) SR ZZTs, it returns these
> values:
> 5, 3, 1, -1, -3, -5.
> where 5 represents a very strong uptrend and -5 a very strong downtrend.
> Then you can make an Expert (highlights or whatever) for better visual
> inspection of the trends.
> The Expert may call SR ZZTsum or/and all the SR ZZTs separately.
> For example
> Make a new Highlight with following elements:
> Name: Uptrend very strong
> Color: Green
> Condition: fml("SR ZZTsum")=5
> Proceed until you've made 6 Highlights with the following names, colors
> fml("SR ZZTsum")=amounts:
> Uptrend strong, Cyan, 3
> Uptrend medium, Blue, 1
> Downtrend medium, Yellow, -1
> Downtrend strong, Magenta, -3
> Downtrend very strong, Red, -5
> For better contrast use DkGray color for the background. Study the
> alternation of the trends by observing the changes of colors. It is
> interesting I think.
> When you have finally found your new way to get rich you will have to
> it with me of course :-)
> You can also make a brief commentary which informs you about each SR ZZT:
> {**********************************************************}
> Confirmed Trends
> SR ZZT1 = writeval(fml("SR ZZT1"),2.0) (writeif(fml("SR ZZT1")=1,
> "up","down"))
> SR ZZT2 = writeval(fml("SR ZZT2"),2.0) (writeif(fml("SR ZZT2")=1,
> "up","down"))
> SR ZZT3 = writeval(fml("SR ZZT3"),2.0) (writeif(fml("SR ZZT3")=1,
> "up","down"))
> SR ZZT4 = writeval(fml("SR ZZT4"),2.0) (writeif(fml("SR ZZT4")=1,
> "up","down"))
> SR ZZT5 = writeval(fml("SR ZZT5"),2.0) (writeif(fml("SR ZZT5")=1,
> "up","down"))
> SR ZZTsum = writeval(fml("SR ZZTsum"),2.0)
> {**********************************************************}
> I hope this helps.
> Happy trends!
> Spyros
> Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 10:14:30 +0200
> From: "Theo Lockefeer" <sky40912@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: SR ZigZag Trend by Spyros Raftopoulos
> Yes Spyros :
> Many Thanks for all your appriciated efforts !
> Of course interested too in the formula for the "SR ZZTsum" indicator.
> I will let you know afterwards what i think of them.
> Thanks again
> Theo