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Re: statistic calculations

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> Hi! My name is Patrik and i live in sweden. I am trying to use Metastock
with statistic calculations..
> Anyone who is an expert on the Metastock formal language?
>How is it possible to make statistic calculations like: How often does the
prices increase on Mondays.
>And for example: What happens the third week if the 2 weeks before has had
inreasing prices?

I have posted the attached code in other forums and an earlier version here
also. The sorts of statistics you are looking for can be generated with code
like this, but some stats are easier to create than others. I have done a
complete database check with a private version of this code (containing some
proprietary dll's) and have checked the results of 'buy on Monday open -
sell on Monday close', and also 'buy on Monday close - sell on Tuesday

If you can construct buy and sell rules then 'Trade Equity LE' will allow
you to record the results. You may also need to create new explorations for
some of the statistics that you want - I have only written three (18
columns) so far but that is by no means the limit.

Trade Equity can track same day-trades, but not two consecutive same-day
trades since the second day is required to adjust the equity curve to its
corrected value (an equity curve cannot display two values on the same bar).

Oh, I almost forgot to mention - thes indicators and explorations use fixed
equity, not compounding as used in MetaStock. I do have a componding version
of the long indicator but only have one exploration written for it so far.
Since it uses a Prev the exploration runs much more slowly.

I hope this helps. Write directly to rlarsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you need
further information.


Hi All,

These 'Trade Equity' indicators have a number of applications, and when used with the accompanying explorations can provide a wealth of information about trading system performance over a basket or portfolio of stocks. Copying MS reports to Excel and using simple tools to summarize column data is an easy and effective way to gauge system performance on multiple stocks.

Trade Equity LE and Trade Equity SE are 'equity curve' indicators, and for many this will be their only use. Once set up with appropriate defaults and system entry and exit code they can be pulled down into any MS window without the fuss of running the System Tester. Multiple copies of the indicators can be created, each with its own system code.

My main aim in presenting Trade Equity is to show that MetaStock can be used to test a trading system's performance across a database of hundreds of stocks. These are not the 'ultimate' in system testing, but have the advantage of being free, being able to be run under MS6.52, and they have the potential to be developed further to meet individual user's needs.

Trade Equity LE supports long trades while Trade Equity SE supports short trades. They only manage fixed equity positions (there is also a long version that supports compounding equity), and cannot manage entry related protective exit stops without additional external code. The limited number of variables allowed by MetaStock makes the inclusion of every desirable feature impossible without resorting to dll's. Splitting tasks among several indicators provides a partial solution to the problem but it also slows the execution of explorations because of greater processing overheads. Use of the Prev function in any related code can also significantly affect exploration execution speeds. 

By 'recycling' some variables the TE indicators are able to 'get around' the limitation of only 20 variables. The extra variables are used to provide support code for most of the exploration columns. This approach is not strictly necessary, but excessive FmlVar() calls used within an exploration also slow execution. 

Main TE features.
a. Enter and exit trades at intra-day values.
b. Calculate intra-day trades (though not on consecutive days).
c. Add-on software is NOT required for multiple stock testing.
d. Runs on MS 6.52.
e. Free.

Construction may look complicated but it is not - each indicator is merely a series of simple building blocks put together logically to create the final structure. Lack of space prevents the use of fully descriptive variable names, though a list is available. The commented version of 'Trade Equity LE' may help explain the function of each variable.

Before attempting to use either TE indicator it is necessary to provide entry and exit code for the N, X, Ns and Xs variables. N is for Entry and X is for Exit. It is possible to build simple code right into TE but creating indicators that are accessed using Fml() or FmlVar is recommended. Those formulas should be identical to entry and exit code used by the System Tester but with any optimization code removed. N and X are required to be binary inputs, and a single bar spike is suggested but not mandatory (TE will convert it to a single bar spike anyway). Be aware that overlapping buy and sell signals can cause unexpected results. A buy and sell on the same bar would normally be used for an intra-day trade, and if already in a trade then that trade would continue.

Ns and Xs allow entry and exit prices to be specified, and these price spikes must fall within the High/Low range. Setting the entry and/or exit options at other than =5 will disable the respective stop(s) from functioning. It is not possible (with existing code) to use both stops and conventional MS binary code at the same time. However it is quite legitimate to code stop formulas to use O/H/L/C as well as any other intermediate value. When a particular entry of exit is not used then it can be set =0, or a legitimate fml() call can be left in place. Be aware that an unused Fml() can affect the timing of the initialization variable and therefore also the number of actual bars tested. 

Ensure that default values are set correctly before running an exploration. TE should produce an identical curve to the MS System Tester for the first trade. If it doesn't then there are most likely differences in setup.

Some users of MS Pro have reported exploration failures when using Trade Equity LE, and the only current work-around is to include all required TE code in each column. This is messy first time around but not impossible.

Earlier versions of Trade Equity LE have been posted from time to time, but this is the first post of a short side equity indicator to this forum. Percent commissions have been omitted from Trade Equity SE. 

My thanks go to Mark Pyle for the many ideas that he has contributed to this and other projects.

Roy Larsen

  {Trade Equity LE}    {Long side only}
  {*** Start of user input section ***}
No:=Input("Enter 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,2);
Xo:=Input(" Exit 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,2);
Nd:=Input("Entry Delay",0,3,0); {** Capital **}
Xd:=Input(" Exit Delay",0,3,0);     Cp:=5000; 
Cn:=Input("Entry Commission $",0,99,25);
Cx:=Input(" Exit Commission $",0,99,25);
  {For % commission use this and (*) code}
{Cn:=Input("Entry Commission %",0,3,0.5)*Cp/100;
 Cx:=Input(" Exit Commission %",0,3,0.5)/100;}
N:= Fml("Your enter long binary code");
Ns:=Fml("Your enter long stop price spike");
X:= Fml("Your close long binary code");
Xs:=Fml("Your close long stop price spike"); 
  {*** End of user input section ***}
  {*** Do not change code below  ***}
N:=N AND Alert(N=0,2);
N:=If(Nd=0,N,Alert(N,Nd+1) AND Alert(N,Nd)=0);
N:=If(No=5 AND Np>0,1,If(No<5,N,0));
Xp:=If(Xo=5 AND Xs>0,Xs,If(Xo=1,O,If(Xo=3,H,If(Xo=4,L,C))));
X:=X AND Alert(X=0,2);
X:=If(Xd=0,X,Alert(X,Xd+1) AND Alert(X,Xd)=0);
X:=If(Xo=5,If(Xp>=L AND Xs>0,1,0),X);
Xp:=If(Xo<5 AND No=5 AND X=0,C,Xp);
Xp:=If(Xo=5 AND Xs>0 AND N AND X,Xs,Xp);
Xp:=If(Ref(Xo=5 AND N AND X,-1),Ref(Xp,-1),Xp);
I:=Cum(N>-1 AND X>-1)=1;
Tr:=If(BarsSince(I OR N)>= BarsSince(I OR X),0,1);
Tr:=If(N AND X AND (No=5 OR Xo=5),1,Tr);
Np:=If(I AND N=0,C,Np);
En:=(Tr AND Alert(Tr=0,2)) OR I;
Ex:=Tr=0 AND Alert(Tr,2);
Lb:=(Alert(Tr,2)) AND LastValue(Cum(1)-0)=Cum(1);
Ea:=ValueWhen(1,En,If(No=5 AND N AND X,Np,Max(O,Np)));
En:=Tr AND Alert(Tr=0,2);
N:=If(Ex OR Lb,(Cp-Cn)*(Xp/Ea)-Cp -If(Ex,Cx,0),0);
{*}{N:=If(Ex OR Lb,(Cp-Cn)*(Xp/Ea)-Cp -If(Ex,Cx*(Cp -Cn)*(Xp/Ea),0),0);}
Bt:=If(Alert(Tr,2),1+BarsSince(En OR I),0);
X:=Cum(If((Ex OR Lb) AND N> 0,Bt,0));
Xd:=Cum(If((Ex OR Lb) AND N<=0,Bt,0));
Cum(N)+If(Tr AND Lb=0,(Cp-Cn)*(Xp/Ea),Cp);

  {Trade Equity SE}   {Short side only}
  {*** Start of user input section ***}
No:=Input("Enter 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,2);
Xo:=Input(" Exit 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,2);
Nd:=Input("Entry Delay",0,3,0); {** Capital **}
Xd:=Input(" Exit Delay",0,3,0);     Cp:=5000; 
Cn:=Input("Entry Commission $",0,99,25);
Cx:=Input(" Exit Commission $",0,99,50);
N:= Fml("Your enter short binary code");
Ns:=Fml("Your enter short stop price spike");
X:= Fml("Your close short binary code");
Xs:=Fml("Your close short stop price spike"); 
  {*** End of user input section ***}
  {*** Do not change code below  ***}
N:=N AND Alert(N=0,2);
N:=If(Nd=0,N,Alert(N,Nd+1) AND Alert(N,Nd)=0);
N:=If(No=5 AND Np>0,1,If(No<5,N,0));
Xp:=If(Xo=5 AND Xs>0,Xs,If(Xo=1,O,If(Xo=3,H,If(Xo=4,L,C))));
X:=X AND Alert(X=0,2);
X:=If(Xd=0,X,Alert(X,Xd+1) AND Alert(X,Xd)=0);
X:=If(Xo=5,If(Xp>=L AND Xs>0,1,0),X);
Xp:=If(Xo<5 AND No=5 AND X=0,C,Xp);
Xp:=If(Xo=5 AND Xs>0 AND N AND X,Xs,Xp);
Xp:=If(Ref(Xo=5 AND N AND X,-1),Ref(Xp,-1),Xp);
I:=Cum(N>-1 AND X>-1)=1;
Tr:=If(BarsSince(I OR N)>= BarsSince(I OR X),0,1);
Tr:=If(N AND X AND (No=5 OR Xo=5),1,Tr);
Np:=If(I AND N=0,C,Np);
En:=(Tr AND Alert(Tr=0,2)) OR I;
Ex:=Tr=0 AND Alert(Tr,2);
Lb:=(Alert(Tr,2)) AND LastValue(Cum(1)-0)=Cum(1);
Ea:=ValueWhen(1,En,If(No=5 AND N AND X,Np,Min(O,Np)));
En:=Tr AND Alert(Tr=0,2);
N:=If(Ex OR Lb,(Cp-Cn)*((Ea-Xp)/Ea)-Cn- If(Ex,Cx,0),0);
Bt:=If(Alert(Tr,2),1+BarsSince(En OR I),0);
X:=Cum(If((Ex OR Lb) AND N> 0,Bt,0));
Xd:=Cum(If((Ex OR Lb) AND N<=0,Bt,0));
Cum(N)+If(Tr AND Lb=0,Cp-Cn+(Cp-Cn)*((Ea-Xp)/Ea),Cp);

  {Trade Equity LE with comments - do not
   attempt to load in the Indicator Builder}
  {*** Start of user input section ***}
No:=Input("Enter 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,2); 
  {trade entry options}
Xo:=Input(" Exit 1=O 2=C 3=H 4=L 5=Stop",1,5,2);
  {trade exit options}
Nd:=Input("Entry Delay",0,3,0); {** Capital **}
  {trade entry delay - does not apply to stop}
Xd:=Input(" Exit Delay",0,3,0);     Cp:=5000; 
  {trade exit delay - does not apply to stop}
Cn:=Input("Entry Commission $",0,99,25);
  {fixed entry commission}
Cx:=Input(" Exit Commission $",0,99,25);
  {fixed exit commission}
  {For % commission use this and (*) code}
{Cn:=Input("Entry Commission %",0,3,0.5)*Cp/100;
Cx:=Input(" Exit Commission %",0,3,0.5)/100;}
  {alternative % commission variables - also change lines marked} {*}
  {entry code - preferably use Fml("your entry binary")}
  { entry stop code - preferably use Fml("your entry stop price spike")}
  { exit code - preferably use Fml("your exit binary")}
  { exit stop code - preferably use Fml("your exit stop price spike")}
  {*** End of user input section ***}
  {*** Do not change code below  ***}
  {disable entry stop if not entry option 5}
  {select entry price from entry option}
N:=N AND Alert(N=0,2);
  {convert entry binary code to one bar spike}
N:=If(Nd=0,N,Alert(N,Nd+1) AND Alert(N,Nd)=0);
  {add trade entry delay to entry spike}
N:=If(No=5 AND Np>0,1,If(No<5,N,0));
  {force entry true if entry stop enabled and entry stop > 0}
  {disable exit stop if not exit option 5}
Xp:=If(Xo=5 AND Xs>0,Xs,If(Xo=1,O,If(Xo=3,H,If(Xo=4,L,C))));
  {select exit price from exit option }
X:=X AND Alert(X=0,2);
  {convert exit binary code to one bar spike }
X:=If(Xd=0,X,Alert(X,Xd+1) AND Alert(X,Xd)=0);
  {add trade exit delay to entry spike }
X:=If(Xo=5,If(Xp>=L AND Xs>0,1,0),X);
  {force exit true if exit stop enabled and exit stop > 0}
Xp:=If(Xo<5 AND No=5 AND X=0,C,Xp);
  {force exit price (and thus equity curve) to follow close if trade entered
  on stop and this is not an exit bar. This is purely cosmetic to modify the
  equity curve for a stop entry followed later by an exit on open. Otherwise
  the entry bar can show an unrealistic loss based on a low open}
Xp:=If(Xo=5 AND Xs>0 AND N AND X,Xs,Xp);
  {sets exit price to stop value if this is an intra-day stop exit}
Xp:=If(Ref(Xo=5 AND N AND X,-1),Ref(Xp,-1),Xp);
  {holds intra-day exit price over to the following day so curve maintains
  the correct price }
I:=Cum(N>-1 AND X>-1)=1;
  {initialization bar signals all external formulas are valid}
Tr:=If(BarsSince(I OR N)>= BarsSince(I OR X),0,1);
  {trade active}
Tr:=If(N AND X AND (No=5 OR Xo=5),1,Tr);
  {prevents trade from toggling off with simultaneous buy and sell signals,
  and forces on for one bar for an intra-day trade}
Np:=If(I AND N=0,C,Np);
  {forces entry price to a known value, i.e. close, when I is true}
En:=(Tr AND Alert(Tr=0,2)) OR I;
  {opening bar of a trade, or the initialization bar}
Ex:=Tr=0 AND Alert(Tr,2);
  {closing bar of a trade}
Lb:=(Alert(Tr,2)) AND LastValue(Cum(1)-0)=Cum(1);
  {open trade and last bar of chart}
Ea:=ValueWhen(1,En,If(No=5 AND N AND X,Np,Max(O,Np)));
  {first calculation of price paid when entering a trade}
  {second calculation of price paid when entering a trade, not a stop entry}
En:=Tr AND Alert(Tr=0,2);
  {adjust opening bar of a trade, initialization bar no longer wanted }
N:=If(Ex OR Lb,(Cp-Cn)*(Xp/Ea)-Cp -If(Ex,Cx,0),0);
{*}{N:=If(Ex OR Lb,(Cp-Cn)*(Xp/Ea)-Cp -If(Ex,Cx*(Cp -Cn)*(Xp/Ea),0),0);}
  {re-used variable, gain or loss as at trade exit or last bar }
Bt:=If(Alert(Tr,2),1+BarsSince(En OR I),0);
  {bars in trade}
  {gain or loss during trade}
  {re-used variable, maximum open trade draw-down}
  {re-used variable, maximum open trade profit}
X:=Cum(If((Ex OR Lb) AND N> 0,Bt,0));
  {re-used variable, bars in winning trades}
Xd:=Cum(If((Ex OR Lb) AND N<=0,Bt,0));
  {re-used variable, bars in losing trades}
Cum(N)+If(Tr AND Lb=0,(Cp-Cn)*(Xp/Ea),Cp);
  {trade equity - no variable name required}

{Trade Equity LE Exp 1}
ColumnA: $ Profit
  {Net profit}
CallFml:=Fml("Trade Equity LE");
Gain:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","N");
ColumnB: $ Win
  {Amount of winning trades}
Gain:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","N");
ColumnC: $ Loss
  {Amount of losing trades}
Gain:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","N");
ColumnD: # Win
  {Number of winning long trades}
Gain:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","N");
ColumnE: # Loss
  {Number of losing long trades}
N:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","N");
Ex:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Ex");
Lb:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Lb");
Cum(If((Ex OR Lb) AND N<=0,1,0));
ColumnF: # BarsIn
  {Total bars in all trades}
Trade:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Tr");

{Trade Equity LE Exp 2}
ColumnA: #BarsOut
  {Bars out}
CallFml:=Fml("Trade Equity LE");
Tr:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Tr");
I:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","I");
ColumnB: #TotBars
  {Explored bars total}
I:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","I");
ColumnC: $ Costs
  {Commissions paid}
En:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","En");
Ex:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Ex");
Cm:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Cn");
Cx:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Cx");
ColumnD: Buy/Hold
  {Buy & hold profit/loss}
In:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","I");
Cp:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Cp");
ColumnE: P Index
  {Profit index}
Sg:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","N");
ColumnF: In Trade
  {Currently in a trade}
Tr:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Tr");
Tr AND Lb;

{Trade Equity LE Exp 3}
ColumnA: $Max DD
  {Maximum intra-trade drawdown} 
CallFml:=Fml("Trade Equity LE");
FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Nd");
ColumnB: $MaxProf
  {Maximum intra-trade profit} 
FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Ns");
ColumnC: Win Bars
  {Total bars in winning trades} 
FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","X");
ColumnD: LoseBars
  {Total bars in losing trades} 
FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Xd");
ColumnE: Max Win
  {Maximum consecutive winning trades}
Gn:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","N");
Ex:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Ex");
I:=Cum(Ex>-1)<=2; Up:=Gn>0; Dn:=Gn<=0 AND Ex;
Ca:=If(BarsSince(I OR Up)>=BarsSince(I OR Dn),0,1);
Ct:=Cum(Cross(Up,0.5))-ValueWhen(1,i OR (Ca AND 
Alert(Ca=0,2)) OR (Ca=0 AND 
Cup:=If(Ca,Ct+1,Ct); HighestSince(1,I,Cup);
ColumnF: Max Lose
  {Maximum consecutive losing trades}
Gn:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","N");
Ex:=FmlVar("Trade Equity LE","Ex");
I:=Cum(Ex>-1)<3; Up:=Gn>0; Dn:=(Gn<=0 AND Ex);
Ca:=If(BarsSince(I OR Dn)>=BarsSince(I OR Up),0,1);
Ct:=Cum(Cross(Dn,0.5))-ValueWhen(1,i OR (Ca AND 
Alert(Ca=0,2)) OR (Ca=0 AND 
Cdn:=If(Ca,Ct+1,Ct); HighestSince(1,I,Cdn);

{Trade Equity SE Exp 1}
ColumnA: $ Profit
  {Net profit}
CallFml:=Fml("Trade Equity SE");
Gain:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","N");
ColumnB: $ Win
  {Amount of winning trades}
Gain:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","N");
ColumnC: $ Loss
  {Amount of losing trades}
Gain:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","N");
ColumnD: # Win
  {Number of winning long trades}
Gain:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","N");
ColumnE: # Loss
  {Number of losing long trades}
N:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","N");
Ex:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Ex");
Lb:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Lb");
Cum(If((Ex OR Lb) AND N<=0,1,0));
ColumnF: # BarsIn
  {Total bars in all trades}
Trade:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Tr");

{Trade Equity SE Exp 2}
ColumnA: #BarsOut
  {Bars out}
CallFml:=Fml("Trade Equity SE");
Tr:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Tr");
I:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","I");
ColumnB: #TotBars
  {Explored bars total}
I:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","I");
ColumnC: $ Costs
  {Commissions paid}
En:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","En");
Ex:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Ex");
Cm:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Cn");
Cx:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Cx");
ColumnD: Buy/Hold
  {Buy & hold profit/loss}
In:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","I");
Cp:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Cp");
ColumnE: P Index
  {Profit index}
Sg:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","N");
ColumnF: In Trade
  {Currently in a trade}
Tr:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Tr");
Tr AND Lb;

{Trade Equity SE Exp 3}
ColumnA: $Max DD
  {Maximum intra-trade drawdown} 
CallFml:=Fml("Trade Equity SE");
FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Nd");
ColumnB: $MaxProf
  {Maximum intra-trade profit} 
FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Ns");
ColumnC: Win Bars
  {Total bars in winning trades} 
FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","X");
ColumnD: LoseBars
  {Total bars in losing trades} 
FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Xd");
ColumnE: Max Win
  {Maximum consecutive winning trades}
Gn:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","N");
Ex:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Ex");
I:=Cum(Ex>-1)<=2; Up:=Gn>0; Dn:=Gn<=0 AND Ex;
Ca:=If(BarsSince(I OR Up)>=BarsSince(I OR Dn),0,1);
Ct:=Cum(Cross(Up,0.5))-ValueWhen(1,i OR (Ca AND 
Alert(Ca=0,2)) OR (Ca=0 AND 
Cup:=If(Ca,Ct+1,Ct); HighestSince(1,I,Cup);
ColumnF: Max Lose
  {Maximum consecutive losing trades}
Gn:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","N");
Ex:=FmlVar("Trade Equity SE","Ex");
I:=Cum(Ex>-1)<3; Up:=Gn>0; Dn:=(Gn<=0 AND Ex);
Ca:=If(BarsSince(I OR Dn)>=BarsSince(I OR Up),0,1);
Ct:=Cum(Cross(Dn,0.5))-ValueWhen(1,i OR (Ca AND 
Alert(Ca=0,2)) OR (Ca=0 AND 
Cdn:=If(Ca,Ct+1,Ct); HighestSince(1,I,Cdn);