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Re: tough coding problem

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Thanks to Roy, Cory, and neo for responding to my problem.

neo, your solution did not work.

Corey, your solution works if the High was today and 2nd highest was
yesterday or day before, but has a problem if the high was yesterday or day
before and 2nd highest was yesterday or today.

Roy, your soluton works, except for the rare case you state. However, I'm
willing to live with that because the probability of having 2 identical
highs in the last 20 days is small.  Thanks, so much for the solution to
this very difficult problem.  I can now test to see if the concept holds


----- Original Message -----
From: "Roy Larsen" <rlarsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: tough coding problem

> Tom
> Tough indeed. Having worked away at this idea with a bunch of If()
> I've got to the point where I think the solution proposed by Equis is not
> workable as stated even for an expert. A problem arises where there are
> or more highest highs in the last x number of bars. The Equis solution
> assumes just one bar with the highest period high. Once there are two bars
> with that high sooner or later the older high will be interpreted as the
> second highest high, whereas in fact it is an earlier occurrence of the
> highest high.
> For what it's worth here is as far as I have got with this. It's not
> elegant, and it's not strictly accurate for the above stated reason.   'y'
> is the value of the perceived second highest high, and 'z' is the
> binary.
> Roy
> x:=HHVBars(H,20);
> a:=If(x=0,Ref(HHV(H,19),-1),
> If(x=1,Max(Ref(HHV(H,18),-2),H),
> If(x=2,Max(Ref(HHV(H,17),-3),HHV(H,2)),
> If(x=3,Max(Ref(HHV(H,16),-4),HHV(H,3)),
> If(x=4,Max(Ref(HHV(H,15),-5),HHV(H,4)),0)))));
> b:=If(x=5,Max(Ref(HHV(H,14),-6),HHV(H,5)),
> If(x=6,Max(Ref(HHV(H,13),-7),HHV(H,6)),
> If(x=7,Max(Ref(HHV(H,12),-8),HHV(H,7)),
> If(x=8,Max(Ref(HHV(H,11),-9),HHV(H,8)),
> If(x=9,Max(Ref(HHV(H,10),-10),HHV(H,9)),0)))));
> f:=If(x=10,Max(Ref(HHV(H,9),-11),HHV(H,10)),
> If(x=11,Max(Ref(HHV(H,8),-12),HHV(H,11)),
> If(x=12,Max(Ref(HHV(H,7),-13),HHV(H,12)),
> If(x=13,Max(Ref(HHV(H,6),-14),HHV(H,13)),
> If(x=14,Max(Ref(HHV(H,5),-15),HHV(H,14)),0)))));
> g:=If(x=15,Max(Ref(HHV(H,4),-16),HHV(H,15)),
> If(x=16,Max(Ref(HHV(H,3),-17),HHV(H,16)),
> If(x=17,Max(Ref(HHV(H,2),-18),HHV(H,17)),
> If(x=18,Max(Ref(H,-19),HHV(H,18)),
> If(x=19,HHV(H,19),0)))));
> y:=Max(Max(a,b),Max(f,g));
> z:=y=H OR y=Ref(H,-1) OR y=Ref(H,-2); y; z;
> I am working on a tough coding problem.  Here is what I am trying to do.
> Either the day before yesterday, today, or today, the High must be the
> "second-highest high" of the past 20 days.
> I can not figure out how to find out if the the "second-highest high of
> last 20 days" has occured within the last 3 days.  I can easily find the
> highest high but not the second highest high.
> Equis support gave a solution which allows me to do the above only in an
> expert or exploration, but not in the system tester. Basically the
> is
> "You can use the HHVBars() function to find out how many bars ago the
> highest value was.  Buy putting that function inside the LastValue()
> function, this number becomes a constant which you can then use inside
> functions.  From there, you can Ref() back to that point and find the
> highest value before that one and the highest value since.  This will give
> you the second highest value during the 20 bar period.  Then you can
> it to the most recent three bars to see if it matches one of them."
> " this technique will not work with historical values on an expert, though
> it could be used to give you alerts on new data.  The reason it is limited
> this way is because of the LastValue() function.  This always refers looks
> at the last bar loaded and returns the value whatever is being referenced
> has on that bar.  Therefore,  in the example I used below, LastValue will
> return the number of bars since the 20 day high was made, as calculated on
> the last bar of data loaded.  This value is the only number ever used,
> regardless of the bar the formula is being calculated on."
> Anyone have any other clever ideas on doing this?
> Thanks
> Tom