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Re: are we at a bottom

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Sure, I'll comment.  I hadn't thought about the # of postings, but this type
of indicator is pretty good in my experience.  I especially like your empty
shelves indicator.  Years ago, while in school, I was a broker at a local OTC
house.  The best indicator I ever found was probably best recognized at the
barbershop in the "financial" district here.  Simply calculate a ratio of
"market talk" to "all talk"  and you had something to consider for a move.

Lionel Issen wrote:

> Since there seems to be very few postings to this web site we may be at a
> market bottom.
> This sentiment indicator is similar to my public library indicator.
> Some time back I noticed that at market highs, at the public library, the
> shelves for stock market books were mostly empty; while at market bottoms
> the shelves would be stuffed with books.
> Don't bet the bank on this one.
> Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. :))
> Comments anyone?
> Lionel Issen
> lissen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx