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Re: folder hierarchy names

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>I think you can do this using Data On Demand, but only if your data feed is
>from Reuters.

No, I am from Australia and am interested in the local market not the US 
market. Reuters does not supply data for the Australian market I believe. I 
get a data feed from a local company here in Australia.
>If you use Quotes Plus or TC2000 as your data source, both of these
>programs/data feeds have charting capability so that all you have to do is
>input your ticker and a chart comes up. Both of these companies have 30 day
>trial periods.
>In the past 2 weeks there has been discussions of several automating
>programs that could be used with Metastock.  Perhaps you could use one of
>these automating programs to reduce your chore work.

I have only just joined the list. I requested a archive of the last few 
months data a couple of days ago and it has not yet turned up. How long does 
it usually take to recieve an archive once it has been requested?

>Conceptually it would
>be something like specify a ticker symbol and the macro goes up to \data
>then goes down to the folder with the same letter as the first one in the
>ticker, then selects the ticker, and opens the chart.
>Hope this helps.

Thanks for your assistance Lionel.

>Lionel Issen
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "rowena larkins" <rowena_larkins@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 4:38 AM
>Subject: folder hierarchy names
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am new to metastock.
> >
> > (I am in Australia.)
> >
> > All the files in a metastock database are stored under alphabetical
> > ie all the securities starting with A in a folder under A, those 
> > with B in a folder called B.
> >
> > When I want to look at a security chart I have to go up a
> > directory and then down to the folder starting with the right letter. Is
> > there some way of getting metastock to open a security without 
> > folder structure.
> >
> > Also when selecting a security metastock assumes that you enter the 
> > value. Is there a way of getting it to open a security by entering the
> > company name.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Rowena
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 
> >

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