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RE: Any software out there that would do my mouse-clicks for me? <- Thanks to everyone on this Valentine's Day!

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Thanks to everyone who took time to help me out with some very good
suggestions here.  Since I tested out several programs, thought that I just
let everyone know what I found out.

I was surprised to learn that there is actually a lot of different products
in this category.  After reading about various options, decided to download
and test out the following:

1) AIM Keys
2) AutoMate 4
3) EZ Macros
4) MacroExpress

First an explanation why I was looking for something like this: need to run
a series of tests on a series of futures contracts using a machinery
composed of TS, EL Editor, text files outputted by TS, MS Excel, and MS
Access.  I needed something that can automatically do some EL editing (or MS
formulas every now and then), run a test, import the results into Excel, and
store the results in Access.  Rather than spending countless of hours doing
all this manually, I wanted to find something that will do the labor for me
so I can concentrate on the test results.

After testing all of the above programs, I decided to go with AutoMate 4.
The main reason is "bells and whistles" that come with it, primarily the
options to run "do" loops with custom variables, write scripts in Basic for
tasks that are not already included, and the extensive resource base on the
web.  I also like the fact that AutoMate most closely resembles "object
oriented" programming approach, the objects being various applications and
Windows components.

Thanks again to everyone who took time to respond!
(Not affiliated etc., just reasoning about my personal decision.)
