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MetaStock 7.0 Upgrade Brochure
Introducing MetaStock 7.0 {free upgrade to 7.2 on Cdrom available from Equis}
Favorites Lists
Free Fundamental Reports
Customizable Toolbar
Multiple Explorations
External Formula Links
And Much More!
Multiple Explorations
You never dreamed you could be this productive with The Explorer.
For years, MetaStock users have valued The Explorer's unique capabilities to
help them search through thousands of securities to find the ones that match their
trading criteria. In MetaStock 7.0, The ExplorerT offers you even more power
to save you valuable time and give you even better results.
Save the results of an exploration to a list for use at a later time. Explore a list
again and again to learn different things about those securities from the results.
Run your analysis even faster by performing multiple explorations at the same.
MetaStock even lets you choose one of three different modes to help you get
the exact information you need quickly and easily. Which makes The Explorer
more powerful than any other scanning tool available.
Explore cached online data, even if it's not permanently stored on your hard drive.
Add securities to any of your Favorites lists directly from an exploration report.
Manage your chart files - delete, copy, or edit - from an exploration report.
Color coding to end confusion. For quick and easy recognition of what's
happening with your custom indicators, MetaStock lets you specify a unique
color for each separate plot calculated. You'll save time, too. Just set it up once,
and it plots correctly - with different colors for each element - every time.
MetaStock 7.0 Enhancements
Save Exploration results to a list.
Sift thousands of charts down to a short list, and then save that list to perform
any number of different searches and filters without starting from square one
each time. For large, complicated searches, you can easily save hours of work
by doing it just once and then building on those results. You can even explore
a list over and over to learn different things about those securities.
Run explorations on the results from last exploration.
You can now specify any number of explorations to search, put them in the
right order, and then let The Explorer do its thing. The results that you get from
that exploration can then be used to run your next exploration. This new feature
gives you filtering power like you've never had before!
Run multiple Explorations in one of three modes.
You can use the results from the last exploration
-This acts as a sifter to gradually narrow down your list of candidates.
You can use a single security list for all your explorations
You can use a separate security list for each exploration
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Neill"
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: zondag 7 mei 2000 23:24
Subject: Making a securities list
> Please explain how to transfer qualifying stocks from an Exploration to a
> securities list for further investigation. I cannot find any guidance in the
> manual.
> Ron
> _______________________________________________________
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