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    <TD vAlign=top width="18%"><FONT face="Verdana, Arial" size=2><B>Mike 
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      <FONT face="Courier New, Courier" size=3><PRE><BR>#DIM ALL<BR>#REGISTER NONE<BR>SUB Explanation<BR>  PRINT"      EXTRACT.BAS     10/16/99            Public Domain by Mike Doty<BR>  PRINT<BR>  PRINT" Extract subprograms and functions from any number of modules.<BR>  PRINT" Extracted routines are placed into the file named ";chr$(34)"OUTPUT.BAS";chr$(34)<BR>  PRINT<BR>  PRINT" MODLIST (required)           SUBLIST (optional)<BR>  PRINT"  PROGRAM1.BAS                 GetDate$<BR>  PRINT"  PROGRAM2.BAS                 RushLimbaugh<BR>  PRINT"  MOD1.BAS                     InputHandler<BR>  PRINT"-----------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>  PRINT" Syntax:  EXTRACT      Extract functions in SUBLIST from MODLIST<BR>  PRINT" or       EXTRACT GetDate$ RushLimbaugh InputHandler<BR>END SUB<BR>FUNCTION PBMAIN AS LONG  'Extract subprograms or functions<BR>   ON ERROR GOTO PbmainErrorTrap<BR>   DIM NumberOfSubs AS LONG              'Maximum sub/functions to look for<BR>   DIM FileNum AS LONG                   'File handle<BR>   DIM NumberOfModules AS LONG           'Modules in MODLIST<BR>   DIM SubCount AS LONG<BR>   DIM hModList AS LONG<BR>   DIM ModCount AS LONG                  'Number of names in MODLIST<BR>   DIM ModsRead AS LONG<BR>   DIM NumberofLines AS LONG<BR>   DIM StartPosition AS LONG<BR>   DIM org AS LONG<BR>   DIM TheLine AS STRING<BR>   DIM TotalFound AS LONG                'Number of Subs/functions found<BR>   DIM SkipThisWordFlag AS LONG          'So not extracted more than once<BR>   DIM Org1 AS LONG<BR>   DIM Position AS LONG<BR>   DIM Char AS LONG<BR>   DIM Duplicates AS LONG                'Sub/function already found<BR>   DIM Work AS STRING<BR>   DIM a AS STRING<BR>   DIM modlist() AS STRING               'Module names to search<BR>   DIM SubList() AS STRING               'Subs/functions names to look for<BR>   DIM Found() AS STRING<BR>   DIM Delimit AS STRING<BR>   DIM ThisItem AS STRING<BR>   DIM Subname AS STRING<BR>   DIM Module AS STRING<BR>   DIM Modname AS STRING<BR>   DIM SubInList AS STRING               'Parse each before searching<BR>   DIM Found AS STRING<BR>   DIM FileToOpen AS STRING             'MODLIST or SUBLISt<BR>   DIM NumberOfSubsToLookFor AS LONG    'On command line or in SUBLIST<BR>   Dim OutPutFile as String             'File containing extract functions<P>   COLOR 7, 1, 1<BR>   CLS<P>   '...................................................................<BR>   'CALL Explanation:Sleep 5000       'Remove to get rid of explanation<BR>   '...................................................................<P>   'Read subprograms to look for from SUBLIST into an array<P>   work$ = UCASE$(COMMAND$)<BR>   'work$ = "MERGELABEL"   'command$ automatically uppercases<P><BR>   IF LEN(work$) THEN  'search for subs or functions on command line<BR>      NumberOfSubs = 50<BR>   ELSE                'search for sub/functions in the file SUBLIST<BR>      fileNum = FREEFILE<BR>      FileToOpen = "SUBLIST"<BR>      OPEN FiletoOpen FOR INPUT AS #fileNum<P>      DO UNTIL EOF(fileNum)<BR>        LINE INPUT #fileNum, a$<BR>        NumberOfSubs = NumberOfSubs + 1<BR>      LOOP<BR>      CLOSE #fileNum<BR>   END IF<P>   fileNum = FREEFILE<BR>   FileToOpen = "MODLIST"<BR>   OPEN FileToOpen FOR INPUT AS #fileNum<P><BR>   'Count number of module names in MODLIST file<BR>   DO UNTIL EOF(fileNum)<BR>      NumberOfModules = NumberOfModules + 1<BR>      LINE INPUT #fileNum, a$<BR>   LOOP<P>   CLOSE #fileNum<P>   DIM ModList(NumberOfModules)<BR>   DIM SubList(NumberOfSubs)<P>   DIM found$(NumberOfSubs)  'so only found once<P>   IF LEN(work$) = 0 THEN<BR>      PRINT "EXTRACT "<BR>      PRINT "Extract subs/functions in SUBLIST from modules in MODLIST ..&gt; OUTPUT.BAS"<BR>      PRINT "To run, type PULL."<BR>      PRINT<BR>      PRINT "Optional: "; CHR$(34); "EXTRACT subprogram subprogram ..."; CHR$(34)<BR>   END IF<P><BR>   Delimit$ = ";,/-+ "  'valid separators if subs/functions on command line<P>   IF LEN(work$) THEN   'user  typed in subs/functions to look for<P>       'fill SubList$() with sub/mods to look for<BR>       NumberOfSubsToLookFor = PARSECOUNT(Work$,ANY Delimit$)<BR>       FOR SubCount = 1 TO NumberOfSubsToLookFor<P>         ThisItem$  = PARSE$(Work$,ANY Delimit$,SubCount)<BR>         SubList$(Subcount) = ThisItem$<BR>       NEXT<BR>       GOTO BeginHere   'skip for sublist from an input file<BR>   END IF<P>   OPEN "SUBLIST" FOR INPUT AS #1<BR>   DO UNTIL EOF(1)<BR>      LINE INPUT #1, TheLine<BR>      SubName$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(TheLine))<BR>      IF LEFT$(SubName$, 1) &lt;&gt; "'" THEN<BR>         Subcount = Subcount + 1<BR>         SubList$(Subcount) = SubName$<BR>      END IF<BR>   LOOP<BR>   CLOSE #1<P>BeginHere:<BR>   OutPutFile = "OUTPUT.BAS"<BR>   IF LEFT$(work$, 1) = "," THEN<BR>      OPEN OutPutFile FOR APPEND AS #2<BR>   ELSE<BR>      'Header could be optionally created here<BR>      OPEN OutPutFile FOR OUTPUT AS #2<BR>      PRINT #2, "' CREATED BY EXTRACT PROGRAM ON "+Date$<BR>   END IF<BR>   'Read module file names from MODLIST into an array<P><BR>   hModList = FREEFILE<BR>   OPEN "MODLIST" FOR INPUT AS hModList<BR>   DO UNTIL EOF(hModList)<BR>      LINE INPUT #hModList, TheLine<P>      module$ = UCASE$(TheLine)<BR>      module$ = LTRIM$(TheLine)<BR>      module$ = RTRIM$ (TheLine)<BR>      module$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(TheLine)))<BR>      IF LEN(module$) &gt; 0 AND LEFT$(module$, 1) &lt;&gt; "'" THEN<BR>         Modcount = Modcount + 1<BR>         ModList$(Modcount) = module$<BR>      END IF<BR>   LOOP<BR>   CLOSE #hModList<P><BR>   DO UNTIL ModsRead = Modcount                 '# OF MODS TO SEARCH<BR>      ModsRead = ModsRead + 1<BR>      ModName$ = ModList$(ModsRead)<BR>      'PRINT ModsRead; TAB(6); ModName$<BR>      'PRINT Modname$; " ";<P>      OPEN ModName$ FOR INPUT AS #1                   'OPEN EACH MODULE<BR>      'PRINT "Searching "; ModName$; LOF(1); "bytes"<BR>      LINE INPUT #1, TheLine                             'READ FIRST LINE<BR>      a$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(TheLine))                       'STRIP LEADING SPACES<P><BR>      'Read all lines in each module for FUNCTION or SUB<P>      'PRINT "SubCount is "; SubCount<BR>      'PRINT SubList$(1)<BR>      NumberOfLines = 0<P>      DO UNTIL EOF(1)                                 'Read all lines<P>         LINE INPUT #1, TheLine<P>         a$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(TheLine))<P><BR>         IF LEFT$(a$, 4) = "SUB " OR LEFT$(a$, 9) = "FUNCTION " THEN<BR>            StartPosition = 5<BR>            IF LEFT$(a$, 9) = "FUNCTION " THEN StartPosition = 10<BR>            FOR org = 1 TO Subcount      ' search for any number of words<BR>               subinlist$ = SubList$(org)<BR>               IF totalfound THEN             ' See if this SubInList was<P>                  SkipThisWordFlag = 0        'always reset<BR>                  FOR org1 = 1 TO totalfound  ' already found<BR>                    IF found$(org1) = subinlist$ THEN<BR>                       SkipThisWordFlag = 1<BR>                       EXIT FOR<BR>                    END IF<BR>                  NEXT<P>               END IF<P>               'PRINT SubInList$, org, subcount<P><BR>               FOR Position = StartPosition TO LEN(a$)<BR>                  char = ASC(MID$(a$, Position, 1)) 'search for space after subname<BR>                  IF char = 32 THEN EXIT FOR<BR>               NEXT<P>               'not yet yet a match, but now ready to compare<BR>               found$ = MID$(a$, StartPosition, Position - StartPosition)<P>               IF found$ = subinlist$ THEN  'we found it!!!<BR>                  PRINT subinlist$; " found in "; ModName$<BR>                  totalfound = totalfound + 1<BR>                  IF SkipThisWordFlag THEN<BR>                      duplicates = duplicates + 1<BR>                      GOTO SkipThisWord<BR>                  END IF<BR>                  PRINT #2, "DEFINT A-Z"<BR>                  PRINT #2, TheLine<BR>                  DO UNTIL TheLine = "END SUB" OR TheLine = "END FUNCTION"<BR>                     LINE INPUT #1, TheLine<BR>                     PRINT #2, TheLine<BR>                  LOOP<BR>                  found$(totalfound) = subinlist$ 'or found$<BR>                  EXIT FOR   'no need to search any further<BR>               END IF<BR>SkipThisWord:<BR>            NEXT<BR>         END IF<BR>      LOOP<BR>      CLOSE #1<BR>   LOOP<BR>   PRINT<BR>   PRINT "Found    "; totalfound<BR>   PRINT "Duplicates "; duplicates<P>   PRINT "Found the following subprograms and functions:"<BR>   FOR org = 1 TO totalfound<BR>      PRINT found$(org)<BR>   NEXT<BR>   print "Output is in the file "OutPutFile<BR>EndPbMain:<BR>EXIT FUNCTION<BR>PbMainErrorTrap:<BR>  PRINT<BR>  PRINT"---------------------------------   ERROR   ----------------------------"<BR>  SELECT CASE ERR<BR>    CASE 53<BR>         PRINT "Cannot open "FileToOpen<BR>         PRINT "If no subs or functions are on the command<BR>         PRINT "line then the sub and functions to extract<BR>         PRINT "must be in the text file named "CHR$(34);"SUBLIST";CHR$(34)"."<BR>         print<BR>         Print "MODLIST must exist because it contains the names of modules to look in."<BR>    CASE ELSE:PRINT "Error "ERR<BR>  END SELECT<BR>  PRINT<BR>  PRINT "Please press any key to end the EXTRACT program."<BR>  WAITKEY$<BR>  RESUME EndPbMain<BR>END FUNCTION<BR></P></PRE></FONT>
      <P align=right><FONT color=#800080 face="Verdana, Arial" size=1>IP: <A 
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    <TD vAlign=top width="18%"><FONT face="Verdana, Arial" size=2><B>Greg 
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