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Re: Diamonds + Fractal Retracements(SP500-0827.gif)

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<DIV><FONT size=2>Ton,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>When the 14-day RSI falls below 30, conditions will be better 
for a rally of some sort, but I agree that the direction is down for the time 
being. And Elliott Wave Theory as I practice it is suggesting the next 
correction target is the 3,300 zone, the January and February 1999 lows. And as 
strange as it might sound, the entire rally from 2,400 in October to nearly 
4,000 in July can be counted as an irregular flat (a corrective counterrally of 
awesome aspects considering the percentage move), which if true would suggest a 
higher degree correction target of 2,400. Attribute it all to the extraordinary 
strength of this secular bull market.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Joe</FONT></DIV>
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">
  <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><B>-----Original Message-----</B><BR><B>From: 
  </B>A.J. Maas &lt;<A 
  </B>Metastock-List &lt;<A 
  </B>Saturday, October 02, 1999 05:26 PM<BR><B>Subject: </B>Re: Diamonds + 
  Fractal Retracements(SP500-0827.gif)<BR><BR></DIV></FONT>Previous 
  mail:<BR>Diamond for the SP500 (SP500-0827.gif)<BR><BR>Now an Update on the 
  above<BR>(SP500-1002.gif)<BR>Too late realised to put the Shorter Term Fractal 
  Retracements<BR>on the Chart, for as the SP500 also nearly reached(!) its 100% 
  retracement<BR>level (1215) (measured from the Low since early this year, eg 
  that was also<BR>the Low of 1/2 way the uptrend since last Oct98, eg and prior 
  to breaking<BR>out of its ST-continuation stop).<BR><BR>See also the 
  Estx50-gif and the Dow-gif this week-end<BR>(all 3 have the same Subject 
  :).<BR><BR>Consensus is that Greenspan(FED, +0.25) and Duisenberg(ECB, 
  +0.5)<BR>will raise the intrest-rates, enough to fuel-tricker the 'technicals' 
  this month.<BR><BR>RSI readings are not signaling an 'oversold'-market (for 
  the Dow there<BR>is some possitive divergence) but a plain weak ST 
  bearish-markets for the<BR>stocks&amp;bonds worlwide, of which the first will 
  get the largest share to<BR>digest as yet, and with the latter stumbling on 
  some "very thin strong" support. <BR><BR>Regards,<BR>Ton Maas<BR><A 
  the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying and<BR>note the new 
  address change. Also for my Homepage<BR><A 
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