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Re: Cycling through Charts

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Firstly, the new folder you create (eg ASX150) should be separate from the 
folders A,B,C,D,...etc and not positioned as a subdirectory of A,B,C,D etc. 
Perhaps position the folder as a sub folder of the Metastock folder. To 
convert the data file to Metastock format files, you'll need to run through 
the convert process twice.

Go through the first run as you normally do, which converts ALL the ASCII 
files to Metstock format.

The second run, the Convert Securities Destination Folder needs to be 
altered to the new folder eg. ASX150 which you can do by browsing to the new 
folder you have created. Then go into Options/Destination and turn off 
Before running the conversion, alter the
Convert Securities/Options/Source/Message Limits to "Maximum Errors 2700" 
"Maximum Warnings 2700". If you are converting the whole ASX you will need 
this higher capacity because as each ASCII file is converted to Metastock 
format, an error will be generated for each file not included in the 150 
securities in the ASX150 folder. The total number of error messages will 
equal the total number of ASCII files minus the 150 files in the new folder. 
This is alright. At the end of the conversion run the Conversion Report 
should display a green tick against each security you have selected for your 
ASX150. There should be a red cross against each file which hasn't converted 
successfully(on this run). Because you are only converting 150 files on this 
second run the process is much quicker than the first run.

So, at the end of the two conversions all of your subdirectories 
A,B,C,D,etc. securities should be updated as well as the duplicate 
securities in folder ASX150. You know if you don't wish to duplicate the 
securities in the new folder you have this option to delete the source 
security when you copy the files but I think it's a good idea to keep the 
core subfolders' securities intact from which you can create as many other 
special folders as required. It is also a good backup.

A bit longwinded but I think this might work for you.

Ian Burgoyne

>From: "Kornberg Family" <kornberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: "Metastock List" <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Cycling through Charts
>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 21:31:20 +1000
>Yesterday I wrote re: suggestions about cycling through charts placed in a
>number of subdirectories names a, b, c, etc.
>In the end, it became apparent that the best way to cycle through charts
>that make up the DOW or the index of the Australian market, would be to 
>the relevant data files to a separate directory called ASX150 or something
>like that.  Thus, I would then open that directory and then cycle through
>each chart.  Simple, although inefficient as I wanted to have the data 
>in the a, b, c, subdirectories as well, otherwise I would need to remember
>the names in the ASX150 directory if I wanted to look at one chart - 
>if under the first letter.
>I then copied each data file and tonight my nightly download came down.  I
>updated my files as per usual by a metastock convert ascii to Metastock 
>it traversing the subdirectory as is usual.  Guess what - the data files in
>the a, b, c, were updated but the same data files in the ASX150 
>(same level as a, b, c etc) were not updated!
>Any suggestions as how I can get the downloader to update duplicate data
>files in different subdirectories?
>Andrew Kornberg

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