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Re: VB vs VBA

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Expressed in a hierarchical-way:

VB (=the old DOS "Basic-language" made available for Windows/adjusted to Windows standards)
    |           eg on a DOS-prompt("prompt">) type Help and it will get you in QuickBasic-mode(QBasic)
    |           all of the in DOS available Help-subjects (Make sure the "QBasic.exe" file is in
    |           the Windows|Command folder, else see the folder "Oldmsdos" on the Win9x-CdRom).
    |           Also the "L-Basic.exe" (v1.22) provides the basics for learning the Basic language
    |           http://www.cyber-matrix.com/lbasic.htm
    |           ftp://ftp.eunet.bg/pub/simtelnet/win95/edu/lbas122.zip
    |---VB6.0 (=latest version)
    |           very well usable for writing "full" programs/applications that run under Windows 9x/NT.
    |           It doesn't mean that an in VB-language written program is also automaticaly
    |           "Windows-compatible" (eg at least not officialy, for that see MetaStock manual (p.1+7)
    |           and the manual cover's "Official Microsoft" logo's: eg  "Designed for ..............etc.")
    |           an recoqnision mark(stamp) that can only be used by approved (by Microsoft) registrees
    |           of the full (Windows/Office) compatible set-out standards and conditions (eg meating up
    |           with all of the requirements for a program(application) to be FULLY compatible with
    |           all the regulations that are set out by Microsoft for Windows compatible programs
    |           (eg and that were made so to reduce bugs).
    |---VBA (like VB but now "Application specific") (eg and thus also Application dependant)
    |           eg programming+automating for specific (Windows) Applications (from 3td parties)
    |           that run under Windows 9x/NT4x/2000.
    |---VBScript (overall automating and a miniature programming Tool) in Windows and
    |           for Windows compatible programs (and the Official succesor to DOS-Batch).
    |           Seperate components are made availble so that it can be used with DOS boxes
    |           (that run under Windows), eg the
    |                        cscript.exe (in C:\Windows\Command)
    |           program and one that will support a variaty of languages (DOS-batch, J-script, Perl etc.),
    |           eg the
    |                        wscript.exe (in C:\Windows)
    |           file (eg both part of the WSH-Windows Scripting Host file-set for multi script-language
    |           support) and also several additional components are provided for by 3td parties.
    |           (more: see my homepage).

Indeed, one must pocess plenty of spare-time, to be able to work with these very advanced
programs "that can truly program" and each slightly differ from oneanother for "writing code".
Thus, for simplicity sakes, to continue on (with automation programs):
    |---ScriptIt (IMO 'the' successor to the old DOS-Batch), not based on VB but does use the Windows'
    |           internal command(-line) language, with additional support added eg see its Whitepaper
    |           (see my homepage).
    |---AutoIt  (see ScriptIt), of which its proprietor states that it is "superseeding" ScriptIt in functionality.
    |           (see my homepage).
    |---WinBatch ( a 3td party program by Wilson Ware Inc.) that can be used in the Script-It program.
    |           see the ScriptIt Whitepaper for details (see my homepage). 
    |---DOS-Batch (still useable, and a base for (some) starters).

Ton Maas
Dismiss the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying and
note the new address change. Also for my Homepage

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Walter Lake <wlake@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: zondag 22 augustus 1999 16:56
Subject: Re: VB vs VBA

> Hi Guy and Ton
> The academic version is the Professional edition priced at $159CDN. $15 more
> than I paid for the "learning" / standard edition!
> My brain is obviously suffering from "partimers" disease. Part of the time
> it works and part of the time it's in Lala Land.
> Thanks Ton for all the other stuff you posted on VB from the TraderWare
> site. Could you tell me how VBscript fits into "the big picture" of this
> language set (VBA, VB, and VBscript).
> Best regards
> Walter
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Guy Tann <grt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, August 21, 1999 8:29 PM
> Subject: RE: VB vs VBA
> > Walter
> >
> > I never knew how lucky I was to be living near the local Computer Faire
> > sites.  I'm going to check out the Professional Edition of VB6.0.  My
> VB5.0
> > Professional cost all of $39.00 (US).  For what MS gets for upgrades, it
> > pays me to get the full editions.  You might check out registering with
> one
> > of your local universities as that will enable you to buy this software at
> > the student price.  I'm going to upgrade to Office 2000 as soon as I get
> to
> > one of the Faires (about an hour and a half round trip).  First I'll check
> > out the Internet.
> >
> > I think that a lot of these sellers get student software or packaged
> > software (with computers) and peddle it at these shows.  I did see that
> one
> > of the software manufacturers (CAD/CAM) raided the Pomona Show two weeks
> ago
> > and confiscated over $1mm worth of counterfeit software.  Big local stink.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Guy
> >