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quick shutdown of Windows (Part 2)

  • To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;@freeze.metastock.com;;;>
  • Subject: quick shutdown of Windows (Part 2)
  • From: "A.J. Maas" <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 05:10:43 -0400 (EDT)

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

REM -----------------------------------------------

REM To re-start WIN in one action by a single click, eg the Re-Start Win-link
REM Create a textfile in NotePad, with the command @EXIT as file's only
REM command line and content(see below). Then save this text file as
REM "restart.bat" in the root "C:\", eg C:\restart.bat and right-click the file
REM to create a shortcut and place this shortcut on the Desktop or move
REM it to the (in IE50) new Taskbar folder located at
REM "C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\" 
REM Right-click the link for its properties, to change the settings on the
REM Program-TAB, eg apply the "Shut Window on Close" option, and click the
REM Advanced-button for the Advanced Program Settings, and on this dialog
REM window switch the option "MS-DOS-modus" to ON and un-check the option
REM for "Warn when switching to MS-DOS-modus" to have it set OFF. 


REM -----------------------------------------------

REM To start WIN with one action, eg the Re-Boot Win-link
REM Create a new link(=shortcut, eg 1x right-click the Desktop)
REM and in the "PATH:" tiny window type
REM C:\Windows\RUNDLL.EXE user,exitwindowsexec
REM eg as the link's properties and place the link on the Desktop or move
REM to the Taskbar folder(see above). Single click to re-boot the computer.

REM -----------------------------------------------

REM To shut-down WIN + Computer with a single click, eg the ShutDown-link
REM Create a new link(=shortcut, see above), with
REM C:\Windows\RUNDLL.EXE user,exitwindows
REM as the link's properties and place.......etc. (see above)

REM ----------------------------------------------- 

Just Copy+Paste the above into a textfile and save as ReStart.bat
and follow the instructions.

Ton Maas
Dismiss the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: A.J. Maas <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
To: Dutch MetaStock Users Group-NL <undisclosed recipients>
Cc: Metastock-List <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: maandag 22 februari 1999 1:49
Subject: quick shutdown of Windows

> One single step to close Win9.x :
> -Start the Win9x-Explorer
> -go to the C:\Windows folder
> -in pane on the right scroll down to the file "Rundll32.exe"
> -right click the file
> -click create shortcut to
> -scroll down to the end for the "Shortcut to Rundll32.exe" link
> -right click link for its Properties
> -in the tiny "Path:" window type :
>         C:\Windows\RUNDLL32.EXE user,exitwindows
> -Click OK
> -left click link and press and hold down the mouse button 
> -while holding the mouse button down drag it over to the left view pane
>   and move the mouse to the top
> -when Desktop is highlighted(=blue) release mouse button
> -click the Desktop to have its contents displayed on the right
> -in the pane on the right check if link has got dropped there
> -close the Explorer
> -make sure all your other open or otherwise active programs are closed
> -on the desktop click the shortcut
> Rundll.exe is roughly the same command interpretor as when you click
> "Start|Run" and this shortcut will save you all the typing(that is if you did not
> use the FastExit freeware program and its loading procedure(consuming
> up memory) in the SysTray, will now not have to be done anymore, eg
> when using the shortcut above.
> Switch over to IE50 and you can have it displayed on the Taskbar too,
> right under your fingertips, eg 1 mouse click away, ehhh (actualy a double click).
> (Rename the shortcut to "Close" or whatever is short and sweet......)
> -right click shortcut
> -click Rename
> -change to (whatever)
> -in a blanc area on desktop click once for acceptance by the NC mode(Name Change) 
> Regards,
> Ton Maas