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RE: Downloading Free Quotes

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Do you have a link for Sierra Charts?

What would the subscription to FurtureSource cost? This would be for
their realtime service which is not via internet (I think that's what
I read)?  Do they offer a "real time" service via the internet? If so,
how much would that cost?

I'm a little apprehensive about using ole and a lot more apprehensive
about using dde.. From all that I've observed the don't seem very
stable.. IMHO.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Chuck Wemlinger
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 1999 3:51 PM
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Downloading Free Quotes
> Fred,
> This is exactly the same problem I am trying to solve.  For
> intraday data
> feed I'm using myTrack because you can easily change your
> service level and
> you can get any exchange under the sun.  I asked myTrak if
> they had an
> interface to Excel and they said no but are planning to.
> In the mean time I
> tried out Sierra Charts ($49 cheap but good) which uses an
> Excel compatible
> workbook (Not Excel97 though)  plus chartbooks.  It hooks
> up to the myTrak
> feed and I could setup the spreadsheet to capture the ticks
> dynamicaly BUT
> it wouldn't save the data and roll down each time.
> Obviously that's crucial
> to be able to apply indicator with lookback periods and do
> testing.  So I've
> e-mailed Sierra to see it there is a way to get the
> workbooks to save the RT
> quotes.
> Of course FutureSource has the hot setup but it's probably
> a fortune.
> Checkout Calcsource.
> http://www.futuresource.com/pn/calcsource1.shtml
> If ya figure out how to solve this, please let me know.
> Chuck