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Doc, I thought you left for a year??
-----Original Message-----
From: Docteur <docteur@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: AOL, CSCO, & WMT

>Hi Gila,
>Thanks for your e-mail.  I trade like you.  One or two stocks at a time.
>Please see my post to Rick just put up.
>Good luck to you.
>Gila Brock wrote:
>> David Walton wrote:
>> "You actually posted a POSSIBLE scenario where a person MIGHT have made a
>> butt load of money.
>> But you didn't say that YOU did this and you CERTAINLY did not post
>> anything CLOSE to "proof of trades"
>> as you assert."
>> Here, here. As a daytrader, I concentrate on one trade at a time. While
>> that trade is unfolding, I am not watching all the thousands of other
>> charts unfold. Inevitable, I notice better trades that I "should have"
>> taken had I even seen the chart! But this is the experience of every
>> daytrader I think. Many "famous" daytraders have talked about the "trade
>> you weren't in" being the great one. There's are just some human
>> limitations in real time trading. In hindsight, however, one can really
>> pick out the great trades!
>> "I am going to assume you are well intentioned and not trying to raise
>> business for this not-so-reputable web site.
>> (I say that because it is most DEFINITELY NOT reasonable to take someones
>> credit card number for a "FREE" trial.
>> As a matter of fact I think it smacks of fraud and might be enough to
>> attract legal scrutiny.  anyway...)  Assuming you
>> are a good guy may I point out that trading as you do IS VERY RISKY and
>> that 2 months of trading that way IN NO WAY
>> PROVES ANYTHING, except that you most certainly have been LUCKY.  Maybe
>> you ARE on to something, TIME WILL
>> BE THE JUDGE.  I strongly urge you (a good guy) to tone down;  you might
>> be due for a few bad trades next, like we ALL
>> hit from time to time.  Will you come back to this list telling us of
>> your losers then?"
>> There was recently a similar incident on the RealTraders list, as those
>> of you on both lists will recognize. A person, claiming to be a 16-year
>> old boy, wrote in that he turned $3000 into $21000 in one month, and now
>> knows "the secret" to making tons of money. In fact, he wanted to quit
>> high school since he obviously didn't need any more education. Anyway,
>> the list didn't react too kindly. They attacked his credibility, wanted
>> proof, etc. etc.
>> Personally, I don't care if this kid or Doc did it or not. That's their
>> business. What I completely agree with is that the tone of Doc's
>> presentation is what generated this whole thread, not his information.
>> "Guy Tann and JimG and Steve Karnish and Richard Estes (where did he go
>> folks?) have EARNED RESPECT on this list."
>> 100% agreement on this one too. These guys make a living trading, and not
>> just over two months. And they have been very generous with their time
>> and knowledge on this list. Why would Doc assume that they don't know
>> about Edwards and McGee and candlesticks?
>> I am always interested in learning new things. I, for one, have not found
>> the "secret" to making millions of dollars per month. I still work hard
>> to improve my trading. I would hope that we won't scare away people who
>> truly have discoveries to share with this thread. Perhaps Doc's website
>> is really great. I don't know. But I vote for not attacking other members
>> of this list just because you think you have had some success in the
>> market. Those four guys mentioned have had their share of "great trades"
>> also and they're not insulting every one else.
>> So, Doc, thanks for sharing. But do it without assuming that everyone
>> here is ignorant of basic charting methods. Better yet, don't assume
>> anything. Just share information.
>> Gila
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Who is rich? He who is happy with what he has." -- Ethics of the Fathers
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------