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People like you are dangerous.  I teach "classic" Edwards and Magee bar
chart analysis and candlestick charting at two major universities.  Your
posts offend me.

Steve Karnish

> From: Docteur <docteur@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: AOL, CSCO, & WMT
> Date: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 3:25 PM
> Steve,
> Funny, I don't trust people who don't trust people.  Your sarcasm
> offended me.  Maybe you should learn to trust more and lose your
> attitude in the process.  
> Secondly, 75% winners and 25% losers can add up to a big losses.  I have
> a far better ratio as far as the winner to losers but that means nothing
> to me.  What matters is that my winners are huge and my losers are 
> insignificant.  
> If Guy continues to double up he will eventually lose and it doesn't
> matter one hoot if he has a 99% winning track record.  That 1% loser can
> wipe him out.  Win/lose ratio means absolutely nothing.  What matters is
> what's your return on capital at the end of the year?  That's all I care
> about.  And if you can show me a "system" that can give me a better
> return than what I can make by reading the market as it unfolds, then
> I'm full of it and you can keep your distrust and your attitude.
> Steve, I know guys who make millions and their track record is 90%
> losers and 10% winners! But those losses are real small and the winners
> are huge.  Statistics are BS.  Just show me your bottom line.  If it's
> better than mine, I'll do what you're doing.  But until that happens,
> what I do is outperforming any system out there.
> BTW Steve, when I talk about money I never joke.  And managing money is
> NOTHING MORE than proper entry and exit points because if you buy low
> and sell high everytime, you are managing your money to the highest
> degree possible.  Candlesticks and Trading Patterns (when learned
> properly) help you to do that. 
> I don't care if there are a thousand "credible" mechanical trading
> "systems" available. The market is not mechanical.  It is a live and
> fluid entity made up of millions of people.  It runs on two emotions:
> ffear and greed.  If I can master my emotions and simply read the
> market, I'll win everytime.  I just want to do what works and works
> best. Human insight, experience and trading sense will outperform a
> mechanical 
> system anytime, hands down.  Mechanical systems are a waste of my time.  
> I'll put securitytraders' record up against any out there and I
> guarantee you it would blow them away.  Why not test it for yourself? 
> Don't take my word for it (as I know you don't trust me or anyone you
> don't "know"). 
> Use the site for a week and see for yourself.  I think you will be more
> than surprised.
> So Steve, start "trusting" the winners, guys like me who can earn 2600%
> in one month (trading options) and continue to earn 3 figure returns
> monthly with regularity.  Lose the skeptical attitude for a week or so
> and maybe a whole new world of trading will open up to you.  Try
> trusting someone you don't know for a change.  It makes life far more
> interesting and full.  I have nothing to gain by sharing this
> information with you except the satisfaction of knowing that I may have
> turned just one person away from what doesn't work towards what does.
> Listen Steve, I trust everyone because I trust myself.  I am ultimately
> responsible for those I deal with because it is I who put myself in
> whatever situation I am in.  Did you get that?  I trusted securitytrader
> from the get go because I am the one who found them.  They didn't find
> me.  And guess what?  I was right.  They are defintely worthy of my
> trust.  And guess what else?  You found me, I didn't find you.  So
> ultimately Steve, you need to trust yourself and you'll find that in
> doing that, it's easy to trust others.
> I'll leave you with a couple questions: Did Edwards or Magee use
> mechanical trading systems?  Did one of the wealthiest men in Japan at
> the time who used candlesticks to trade rice have a mechanical trading
> system.  Do I have a mechanical trading system?  
> Do what works and works best.  The rest is just a waste of time and so
> much techno babble.
> Doc
> Steve Karnish wrote:
> > 
> > Doc sez:
> > 
> > "Remember, you can trade from anywhere in the world and if you're good
> > it, you can trade from your yacht anywhere in the world."
> > 
> > Steve sez:
> > 
> > In the early eighties, I tried trading from Aspen.  I found the local
> > "wildlife" a bit distracting and I could never get my yacht up the
> > Fork River.
> > 
> > I started reading Edwards and Magee in the '70's, I rely heavily on
> > candlestick patterns and, god forbid,  I apply a few mechanical trading
> > systems to the markets.  Maybe you're not reading Guy's track record
> > correctly, but I've always been under the impression the Mr. Tann
> > 75% winners.  Does "securtiy traders" recommendations do as well?
> > 
> > It's important to remember that there are many credible approaches to
> > market.  Somehow, I'm never comfortable when people I don't know say
> > me".
> > 
> > Steve Karnish
> > CCT
> > 
> > Doc  sez:
> > "Managing money is no more than learning to read patterns and setting
> > your entry and exit points in the right spot. "
> > 
> > I hope you're joking!
> > ----------
> > > From: Docteur <docteur@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > > To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > Subject: Re: AOL, CSCO, & WMT
> > > Date: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 8:17 PM
> > >
> > > Hi Guy,
> > >
> > > Don't get me wrong here but probabilities are for gamblers.  If you
> > > would learn candlestick patterns and technical analysis per those two
> > > books I recommended you study, you could learn to trade profitably
> > > day.
> > >
> > > Managing money is no more than learning to read patterns and setting
> > > your entry and exit points in the right spot.  I buy bottoms and sell
> > > tops all the time.  My mentor does it almost 100% of the time.
> > > Impossible? Nope.  Gospel truth.
> > >
> > > Program trading is a waste of time.  Keep going double or nothing and
> > > pretty soon it'll be nothing.
> > >
> > > You said you have the knack for picking the absolute wrong time to
> > > increase your positions.  Well, so do most other people!  But that's
> > > when those of us who know what we are doing short or put that stock
> > > are buying (or vice versa).
> > >
> > > Again, it's not rocket science.  Just tried and true patterns that
> > > been working for centuries.  Japanese candlesticks have been
> > > for more than 250 years!
> > >
> > > Guy, the truth never changes.  It just is.  What works then, works
> > > because it's based on human psychology and crowd behavior.  And we
> > > know those never change.  Just learn the patterns.  Again the best
> > > to start is www.securitytrader.com and those two books I recommended.
> > >
> > > The head trader at Securitytrader, Ryan Thomas, is nothing short of a
> > > trading genius.  He grabs tops and bottoms with so much regularity
> > > think he was psychic.  He has taught me SO much in the last six
months I
> > > can't even begin to tell you about it.
> > >
> > > I used to be like you.  Selling bottoms and buying tops and then I
> > > really angry about that and set out to find a way to make money
> > > in the market.  I knew there were people out there doing that and I
> > > going to find them, hell or high water.  And I did.  They're at
> > > Securitytrader.
> > >
> > > Trust me on this.  I earned 2600% on my account in November and 1200%
> > > January (I took December off).  I'm not trading this month so I can
> > > focus on reviewing what I've learned to date and hone my skill even
> > > more.
> > > I know I can make money anytime I want, up or down because I don't
> > > a system, I have what works.
> > >
> > > Listen, I'm an educated man and have made millions in other
> > > This stuff works.  Don't take my word for it, go to the website
> > > above and just watch their picks for a week (that's thelength of a
> > > trial).  You'll be amazed at how often we take profits!
> > >
> > > I'm not an owner of the website but a paying member.  But Ryan and
> > > partner have taught me so much I could never repay them.  So I tell
> > > everyone I can to check it out.
> > >
> > > I gotta go eat now.  You're about the 100th e-mail I have answered
> > > today.
> > > Go for excellence and quit wasting your time with bullshit timing and
> > > probability programs.  What we do works! Prove it to yourself.
> > >
> > > And remember, the truth will set you free...free to work when you
> > > and how you want as often as you want.  Remember, you can trade from
> > > anywhere in the world and if you're good at it, you can trade from
> > > yacht anywhere in the world.
> > >
> > > Continued success.
> > >
> > > Bye,
> > >
> > > Doc
> > >
> > > Now darn it, check out what I'm saying and quit wasting your time
> > > probabilities.  I mean are you a trader or a speculator/gambler?
> > >
> > > Doc
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Guy Tann wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Doc
> > > >
> > > > Our trading methodology is a little different.  We play
> > and
> > > > try to stay in the market all the time.  Either long or short the
> > > >
> > > > We have a 75% rate of profitable trades and generally do fairly
> > What
> > > > happens is that we start to feel omnipotent after making several
> > successful
> > > > trades in a row, and we start to double up on our positions as soon
> > we
> > > > could afford them.  ALWAYS bites us in the rear. :)  We seem to
> > the
> > > > knack for picking the absolute wrong time to increase our
> > I'm
> > > > going to start spending a lot more time studying the money
> > using
> > > > our trading techniques.
> > > >
> > > > Guy
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > > [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Docteur
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 7:55 AM
> > > > To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > > Subject: Re: AOL, CSCO, & WMT
> > > >
> > > > Hi Guy,
> > > >
> > > > Yes, the hardest part of trading is money management.  With enough
> > > > effort anyone can learn to read patterns and trends but it's the
> > > > disipline and the managing of those trades (take small losses, keep
> > > > your plan, set those stops {both profit and loss} that's the real
> > > > of trading.
> > > >
> > > > Doc
> > > >
> > > > Guy Tann wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Doc
> > > > >
> > > > > I'm trying to just make the trades and not do the stupid things I
> > usually
> > > > > do, like doubling the size of our investments as we make more and
> > money.
> > > > I
> > > > > really need to work on money management.  The system will take
> > of
> > > > > itself.
> > > > >
> > > > > Guy
> > > > >
> > > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > > From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > > > [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Docteur
> > > > > Sent: Monday, February 22, 1999 8:18 PM
> > > > > To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > > > Subject: Re: AOL, CSCO, & WMT
> > > > >
> > > > > Guy,
> > > > >
> > > > > The trick is not to be a bear or a bull but to ride the horse in
> > > > > direction it's going.
> > > > >
> > > > > Ride the trend my friend and make money both ways.
> > > > >
> > > > > It's not wise to "be" something when that something isn't
> > > > >
> > > > > Proverbial is for philosophers, not traders...
> > > > >
> > > > > Doc
> > > > >
> > > > > Guy Tann wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Congrats
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Being the proverbial bear, I'm constantly amazed when my longs
> > > > > > continue to make money at these levels.  Can't quite believe
> > move
> > > > > > today, but it's better than a sharp stick in the eye. :)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Guy
> > > > > >
> > > > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > > > From: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > > > > [mailto:owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jim Greening
> > > > > > Sent: Monday, February 22, 1999 7:49 PM
> > > > > > To: Metastock
> > > > > > Subject: AOL, CSCO, & WMT
> > > > > >
> > > > > > All,
> > > > > >      Not a bad day <G>.  I wasn't surprised when my buy stop
> > CSCO
> > > > > > was hit at 98 5/8, but I was definitely surprised when my buy
> > on
> > > > > > AOL was hit at 165 1/8.  That was 5 points above Friday's close
> > I
> > > > > > didn't even send the AOL chart out Saturday.  Then it went on
> > > > > > gained another 8 points after it hit my buy stop.  Talk about
> > > > > > momentum!
> > > > > >      HD didn't hit my buy stop, but WMT barely closed at a new
> > > > > > time high.  Therefore, I'm going to cancel my GTC buy stop on
> > and
> > > > > > buy WMT in the morning instead.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > JimG