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Re: ? patch

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This patch will upgrade anyone with MetaStock for Windows End-of-Day version 6.5.
This will work on any 6.5 install or from any previous 6.5 patch. This patch contains
the Euro and Y2K adjustments and will update your version of The DownLoader
to 6.52 also. (dated 2/8/99, 4.8 Mb)
Hello Walter, Lionel & All, 

Well, after having had so many problems with the first 2 patches, can say that this
might not be an easy task for the un-trained user, but however, do also note that
from the mentioned latest released FULL version(above), not that many problems
can or are to be expected(if you do the steps as are set out below).
In this, the Equis staff do try their very hard and stinking very best to please us all
in regards to the stable functioning of the daily program(s) use(usage).
It is lots of the times users lack of and/or users missing out on the everywhere in
and within the program required program(s) running and settings knowledge(eg
getting aquanted), that (can) create huge problems on the users side end.

Therefore also do carefully read the previously  -to the List send-  Equis' website
info first tho, which mail had as subject (wthout the crosses) :
++++The latest MetaStock Patch - upgrade to the new version 652a (EOD)++++
and my own creating a bit of confusion here with adding the "a" to the 652 version
( as the "a" here is defenitly NOT a new MAIN program version, but only a mere
new patch version, once installed will then comply with the new MAIN program
standards, eg the MSWIN 6.52 EOD version).

As with the latest available Patch (the FULL, see above) dated 2/8/99, 4.8 Mb,
many odd phases in Patch upgrading(different versions and from patching to
patching) that we, as Equis' non-subscribed "beta-testers" have had the honour
to perform, are now for good over and gone, eg installing the new FULL Patch
version(see above) is also therefore very easy installed and is also in particular
by Equis, and software-wise, made a lot easier to its users(FULL, see above)
to be(get) installed.
Better instructions as in extra added and user-friendly "ReadMe.txt" files and
eventualy on the website's pages as well, explaining the in and outs of what
users can or might expect from installing the Upgrades/Patches/Programs and
their conciderably changes made in daily program handling(usage) and required
pre-installing instructions, all explaining lengthlessly all of the ins and outs of
what is to or can be expect, and all nescessay and possible precoutions needed
to be made by users, are therefore long way over due.
The very excellent working Congratulations message received at the end of a
succesfull installing session, has had considerably appreciation of all of the
program users worldwide, eg a new Guide was born.    

In the end, I as a "beta" have had to only install the "a" patch(thus not the FULL
Patch above), as I was only using the Jan26, 1999 version, also a full version, and
also a still very slightly and very minor bugged version, and that the new
but also much smaller  -eg the "a" patch-   would get me patched up to the most
recent available now "entire" FULL 6.5 to 6.52 upgrade Patch(see above).
The "a" is also not shown in the "About", as it is only to be ment as merely a patch
for old patch users (eg the beta's), to have them completely comply to the latest
MS6.52 program requirements and standards, and which are then also created.

Here is a small summing up of how I have handled the situation from starters, eg
from back in early Jan99 to present.

As I have had to back up my old program MS65 at first, then another backup was
needed for the then installed MS652(cripled) mis-patched installation files
(eg the entire C:\Equis folder again) and of that for the Win95 Registry files also
(the User.dat and User.da0) and then have applied the Microsoft's RegClean4.1
program to have had at least a clean-ed up Registry, and only then un-installed
the older MS652 cripled program. (note that only un-installing will not get rid of
all the previously installed files and Registry entries).

Then I have had to do a re-install of a new clean MS65 program from the CdRom,
and also had to put back my old MS-settings and configurations within the program
and then I was well able to succesfully apply both the latest Patches(the 6.5 to 6.52
and the 6.52 to 6.52a).

The about now shows that the 6.52 versions are installed and dated 02/05/99 for
both the MSwin and DLwin programs and from receiving the Patches' congratulations
messages twice around, now know that  -this time-  I have had succesfully installed
and finished the entire transformation upgrade process from 6.5 to 6.52.

And here are some more Install-tips:

-Always have the latest manufacturer's hardware/Video card (=adapter) drivers
   installed (usualy this is only the adapter drivers software alone)
-Always have the latest manufacturer's hardware/Video components(=video
   operating system) installed (usualy this is the Video cards specific or additional
   MultiMedia and Accelerator software) 
-Always have the latest manufacturer's OS-system application specific/Video
   components installed (usualy this is the Microsofts added applications/DirectX
   program software)
-Always run a RegBackUp session before installing
-Always run a RegClean session before installing       
-Always run a ScanDisk session before installing
-Always run a Defrag session before installing
-Always read the Instructions very carefully and well
-Always BackUp before installing
-Always Re-Boot (to a clean Start) before installing
-Always Turn Off the ScreenSavers before installing
-Always Close/Turn Off any other programs that are running on the Taskbar AND
    in the background
-Always Re-Boot between any patches, upgrades and additional installments

And in general:
-Always make notes of the Programs and OS specific settings and configurations
    and the steps as in how to access these(where they are situated) and if these
    settings/configurations are binded with any other settings, like disabling one
    might also disable unwanted or intervere with other wanted settings
    (in Downloader try unabling "Create New Files" and the Traverse Folders Option
    might not work for you in some sessions)

So go for it !!

Best regards,
Ton Maas

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Walter Lake <wlake@xxxxxxxxx>
To: metastock bulletin board <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: zaterdag 20 februari 1999 17:13
Subject: ? patch

>Hi Lionel and Ton
>Is there a 6.52b planned? ... or can the "lagards" now enter the field
>safely? ... i.e.,  those of us who are "belt and suspended" types, who
>believe that Murphy was an optimist, and who believe that we are cursed with
>bad computer "karma".
>Thanks for all your patient instructions Ton.
>Best regards