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Re: chart viewer

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Just to add to this:
Apart from Opening GIF-files in their standard viewable program, eg any internet browser
or email program, just another program capable to VIEW these file types is the small
program that standard ships with Win95/98/NT: Quick View.
You can always apply the "Quick View" option in Win95-Explorer to view "any" of
the file-types and so this option is ecspecialy handy for viewing any of the picture
(GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PCX etc.) or any of the ASCII files(ASC , TXT, PRN etc.).
It will do the above and most of the other file types, but only "when enabled". So
the program must be installed on your system and the option must be enabled for
each file type seperatly(or all at once by doing a re-install, see below).

To have this Quick View program enabled:
-You can check if you have the program enabled by right-clicking the apropiate file type
  and in the then unfolding small menu it should be there given as a command option
   (below "Open")
-In the Windows Explorer go to "View|Folder Options|File Types|Edit" (and be sure to do
  this applying for each induvidual file type) and on the "Edit File Type"-TAB click
  on "Quick View".

To find out if the Quick View program is installed:
-Go to "Start|Control Panel|Software|Windows Setup|DeskTop items"(here "Accessories")
  and apply the Quick View option and click "OK|OK".
-The Quickview.exe file when installed is standard located in the "Windows|System|Viewers"
-Program can also be found on the Win95/98/NT CdRoms, in one of the in the "D:\Win9X"
  folder placed CAB-files.

To install or to re-install the Quick View program:
-If it is not installed, go to the "Control Panel|Software|Windows Setup|DeskTop items"
  (here "Accessories") and apply the Quick View option. The Quickview.exe file when
  installed is standard located in the "Windows|System|Viewers" folder and can also
  be found on the Win95/98/NT CdRom in one of the CAB files)

-The Quick View PRO 51 version(capable of reading HTML-files too) is available at
  the JASC website or at the Quick View producers INSO-website

To create any picture files:
-if you want to make your own pictures(files), hit the keyboards "Printscreen"-Key to
  have the active window copied to the Windows Clipboard and then Paste the
  Clipboards contents into programs like MSPaint, MSPhotoEd or any of the other
  picture programs(eg PaintShopPro etc.(you can do this Pasting also by hitting
  the "CTRL+V" keys) and save as GIFor JPEG or BMP or TIFF format.
-Apart from the BMP format, most other file types use compression ratios that can
  cause quality loss.
-The BMP format is very bumb-bastic(giving very large files) and on the internet,
  nowadays nowhere being used 
-The JPEG and TIFF formats are usaly given as options to save(as) in beautifull
  photo quality format(millions of colors), eg are there to give the best results in quality. 
-The GIF format is max 256-Colors and of a lesser quality but usefull in sending the
  files as email-attachements and are very well appropiate for any standard (daily)
  view(ing)s as the quality loss can be very minor(less then 1-2%, depending on the
  program being used).   

MSPhotoEd-fixing file quality problems:
-Go to any on the WorkMenu bar's many available options to do a re-adjusting
 either in size, color, sharp/brightness, cleanup, zoom in/out and/or in any of the
 other of the many available options and settings.

Have found that the standard with Office97 shipped MSPhotoEd program is of a high
quality standard, and that the only program's problem is with the "Saved" files size, eg
GIF-files are 160 kB while with using any of the below mentioned programs this can
be easy down reduced to 20-40 kB.

For this to be fixed, programs like HARDCOPY91 and Paint Shop PRO50 can
(also re-)produce the smallest GIF-files without any noticable losses in color and
in quality, but now saveable in the smallest availavle file size.


-Office2000 will have the new MSPhotoDraw2000 and MS FrontPage Express2000
  as Main programs added to its programs family, and MSPD2000 is based on the
  formerly known MSDraw and MSPhotoEd programs and is also Vector based
  and works with the "layers" format too.

Ton Maas

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Moe Drippins <ug@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Metastock <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Guy Tann <grt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: vrijdag 12 februari 1999 16:05
Subject: Re: chart viewer

>Guy Tann writes:
>> List:
>> I noticed that when I attempt to look at various charts or other
>> .GIF...
>Forgot to mention; If you decode the attachment to a local file (rather
>than allowing windows to use Photo Editor or whatever its default viewer
>is), you can view the gif in your browser by using the url:
>Use the appropriate path, of course.
>I simply put it up because I thought it would be easier for the list.