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Re: Improving the system (Downloader)

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Lionel and Ed, thanks for the info on TAS.
And also Dan, G.G., Guy & all for the test-run reports.

Anyone is free to supply data using the common ASCII-TXT or ASCII-PRN or Excel-XLS etc.
as the file type format for the data file's type, with the possible "copyright restrictions".
For the file's contents (the data), royalties go to the Exchanges and this is depending on the
type of data(EOD or RT) and if they will provide+charge for it.
As it is their legal copyrighted merchandise, eg the listed stock quotes.

Most EOD data is provided for free though, as this is in any Exchange's advantage and
because from competition elsewhere, eg to keep up their 'robust' profile of being 'user friendly'.
It is ofcourse also to their moneyflow benifit, as it will attrack more and more of the
private customers in buying and selling shares, which transactions also get charged
by an on the average small fee.
It is also Equis' good right as a company, to keep a budget guard on their yearly
moneyflow as no companies will work "for free", having a workforce to pay and plenty of
other overhead costs(i.e research, material, rent, electricity etc.) to take in consideration.

I think it is also us users' good right to bring forward our complains in the speed of
the Downloader's conversion sessions. The only programs capable to currently out run
the Downloader in updating the Metastock Data Files bases, eg in speed, are the
non-Windows based programs, like the DOS(/UNIX?) converters.

Here my Data Provider's DOS program AutoDownload, only takes up 2min to update
656 securities/2 files.

03-02-99 23:34:34 Conversie D:\FIBBS\DOWNLOAD\19990203.FDC naar MetaStock [Intern]
03-02-99 23:35:33 Conversie 655 fondsen klaar   [ 11.1 p/sec]
03-02-99 23:35:33 Conversie D:\FIBBS\DOWNLOAD\19990203.FDX naar MetaStock [Intern]
03-02-99 23:35:33 Conversie 1 fondsen klaar     [ 6.4 p/sec]

So the "time" problems we are currently faced with while converting using the Downloader, are
due to:
1.-the Windows old FAT16 and memory controls environment that are not so very well optimised
     and also based on the too old DOS memory structure.
2.-the Downloader also being run in this pover managed Windows environment
3.-that besides updating and writing to the MS Data Files Base, the Downloader also writes at
    the same time(multy tasking) to the spare "recovery" files the data to disk files and hanging
    on to it, until you shut down the program.
4.-that possibly the data is double or even triple "converted/written&converted/written" per each

With the -due to be released this year- exciting New Windows 2000 environment coming up, eg
the NT WorkStation5.1 spin off, we will all "eventualy automaticaly" change over to the far better
memory and writing to disk managed NTSF - the NT File System, (the New Technology
NeT work File System, the Windows NT environment and this indeed truely to bypasses all of the
ancient DOS's Memory and File Allocation Table(FAT) writing to disk file structures).
In the mean time we will have to do it with the FAT32 environment of Windows98, which in itselve
is a big improvement over the FAT16.

So if we would like to know more "about our future using the Dowloader, the Metastock Explorer
and System Tester", then we should also have test-data from current NT4+ or NT5beta users,
users that also convert update scan using the Windows95/98 MS-Downloader and Metastocks'
Explorer and System Tester, but now in the NT program.

Ton Maas

----- Original Message -----
From: Lionel and Gail Issen <lissen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: woensdag 3 februari 1999 18:52
Subject: Re: Improving the system (Downloader)

>There are data suppliers that bypasse the Downloader.  Do they have to to
>pay a royalty because they are interfacing with the Metastock files?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: D.Henderson <hende@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 9:42 AM
>Subject: Improving the system (Downloader)
>>Seeing as Equis has chosen not to respond to my challenge regarding the
>>Downloader, I guess I will have to explain, "Why they can't do it"!
>>IMHO (and as seen thru my eyes), at one point in the past, every MS user
>>made  a decision to purchase the Metastock software.   Ever since  then
>>you have been gently but firmly, coerced/convinced by Equis to use  the
>>MS  Downloader.   You  have  also been gently  directed  to  use  a  MS
>>Downloader compatible Data Supplier.  The reason for this is that  each
>>of  these "accepted"  data suppliers has to pay Equis a  "kickback"  or
>>royalty, each  time  you  acquire data from them  while  using  the  MS
>>Downloader. (Don't believe me, ask your data supplier!)
>>Think about it!  Vicious little circle isn't it!
>>To me this is akin to the motor car companies,  who after selling you a
>>vehicle,  demand a kickback from the gasoline/petro companies for every
>>gallon/liter of fuel you purchase for use in that vehicle.
>>EQUIS,  is so concerned about the royalty kickback, and therefore their
>>paychecks,  that  they have programmed themselves into a  hole.  (Note:
>>Equis must prove that the royalty is actually owed.) This tunnel vision
>>keeps them from being able to "improve/fix" the Downloader.
>>In  Equis' defence:  It is this "kickback" that provides Equis  with  a
>>uniform cash flow.   They can make payroll,  and pay sufficiently  well
>>enough to convince their programmers to come back to work tomorrow  and
>>enhance the program.  It is also the reason why MS is so inexpensive to
>>purchase in the first place.  (Just think how cheap a vehicle could be,
>>and,  how expensive gasoline/petro would be,  if the auto industry  did
>>Okay, as MS Downloader users (who are continuing to pay by the month to
>>use it), DEMAND BETTER! As CMA asserted: All the bells and whistles are
>>great, but worthless without data.
>>LIST, We must convince EQUIS of a better way! I have tried to show them
>>thru example with the help of G.G and Guy T.  that 5700+ tickers can be
>>handled in under 30 seconds, error free!
>>EQUIS:  I  can quickly think of a way to do all of  this,  very  easily
>>implemented,  keeping the royalties in place  (actually improve  them),
>>and make the MS program suite much  more functional and usable for your
>>customers!!   (BTW: In case you forgot, THAT IS US!)
>>     IF - YOU - ASK!
>>Only IMHO
>>Dan H.
>>PS:  When is the next USA holiday (Feb 15, 1999?) and another rash of
>>     ID=800 errors?