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Re: Hedge Fund Discussion

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>For Guy Tann and the rest of the list,
>Guy, like you I do not know about hedge funds. I took the following text
>from the Omega forum. So please do not attribute any of the following
>discussion to me. Obviously, I cannot answer any follow up questions.
>I think that Rajesh should continue to post his Elliot commentary. At least
>it relates to the markets and trading. I certainly hope that the people who
>criticized him were not the same ones who blathered on and on about Bill,
>Monica, and the baseball homerun conspiracy. Now THAT was a waste
>of bandwidth (on a TRADING discussion forum).

Thanks for sending Tim.
Your mail couldn't cover it better. Especially the first 2 or 3 mails wich were referenced.
Apart from the recent Barings(1996-7) "short covering" collapse and the then made
government and bankcommitee statements and actions "This never again", one starts
to wonder about the quality of congressional and chambers representatives, the politicians.
Can there be impeachment actions being taken on those who are realy responsible
for all of the current worlds financial crisis(es)?
Sack these too lazy representatives, eg FED+Congres/Chambers, the ones witholding
the ruling votes for new badly desired legislations and as they were then choosen, to be
our reps supervising the countries well being and wellfare.
Where were their proposals for "This never again"?