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Re: "The Seduction of a President" by Kenneth Starr

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> "To the nonlawyer's mind, which holds the highest principle of justice to be
> fariness, Mr. Starr's expedient pursuit of the Lewinsky sex matter after three
> years in which he failed to find any wrongdoing by the President in the
> Whitewater episode

Many people who like Mr. Clinton - and that's fine for them - forget that there
were a number of his friends brought up on felony charges and convicted. So not
all the 40 million was spent on 'sex stuff'. Additioanlly, Mr Clinton could have
saved 6-7 months of the investigation by not 'lyin & denyin' what went  on.I don't
know if you were incesnes about how Mr. Clinton acted at Ron Brown's funeral -
caught laughing and joking till he saw the camera - then faked a tear...but I was.

> re:And: "The public's correct understanding of democracy parallels its concern
> with the preservation of individual liberty. This explains why most Americans
> still side with Mr. Clinton and against Mr. Starr. By objecting to publication
> of details of the President's sex life, Americans have acknowledged that his
> right to privacy justifies his attempt to conceal actions they consider to be
> his business and no one else's. The disingenuousness of the President's
> legalistic definition of sex is justificed by the equally transparent
> disingenuousness of Mr. Starr's tactic of using Mr. Clinton's relationship
> with Monica Lewinsky as a way of trapping him in a falsehood."

And most American get the 'sex thing' blasted into their faces and easr 18+ hours
a day when they should be constantly reminded of the fact Mr. C lied under oath,
and delayed the investigation as a minimum. Instead the sex details keep blasting
our ears...

re:Now Rep. Henry J. Hyde, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, says any efforts
to expose members of Congress to the same scrutiny applied to Clinton's private
life could lead to federal charges and imprisonment. This whole affair reminds one
not of Watergate, but of McCarthyism.
I think that would be to counteract previous examples of the White House 'scorched
earth' policies of digging up dirt on anyone opposing them. I for one certainly
feel it is a different matter to have a special prosecutor assigned a specific
investigation, overseen by a three judge panel with final authority of the
Attorney General on the investigation to be a little different than the presiden't
minions in FBI, ATF, DEA, etc being told  digging up any and all dirt to keep
someone quiet who opposes the president and what he has done.THAT is 'McCarthyism'
- not following the legal system.
If the polls really are true - and I doubt it - then we really do deserve the
government we get, especially if less than half the people voted...


> Brooke