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trough bar function and back test data in explorer ?

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Dear friends :

I sent some email to metastock support for days 
but no reply up to now so I would like to ask for 
help in this list .

Two question ,

1 )The function troughbars(Nth , data array , %), If 
I set the Nth as 1, that means most recent 
trough , and 3%. 

Now I have have three sequential data D1, D2, D3 
which D1 and D3 is larger than D2 . The condition 
is the data curve drop from D1 to D2 then rise to 
D3 . How will it be truth to the troughbars 
function if I set it to 3% .

((D1+D3/2)-D2)/D2 > 3% or 
(D1-D2)/D2+(D3-D2)/D2 > 3 % 
or ?????   

2) In explorer , if I want to test if my formula 
has some error . The best method is to find some 
stock which its condition can match at specified 
date and change the date in explorer to that date 
. Although I follow the instruction from 
metastock , it seems that their method is only 
works in present date but not back testing a 
specfied date . Here is metastock reply me .

> From:          Equis Support <support@xxxxxxxxx>
> To:            "'forrest2@xxxxxxxxxxxx'" <forrest2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject:       RE: Second Help ?
> Date:          Sun, 7 Jun 1998 13:10:47 -0600

> To make Explorer match your chart or vice versa you must load the exact
> same amount of data in your Chart and Explorer.
> You control the number of records you load into your chart as follows:
> Start MetaStock.
> Click File|Open.
> Click the Options button.
> Select Prompt for dates when chart is opened and click OK.
> Double-click the chart you want to compare to your Exploration, to open
> this chart.
> A date range menu will appear and ask you how many records you want to
> load.
> Type the number of records you want to load into the Last Time Periods
> column and click OK.  The chart will display with the number of records
> you requested.
> Make The Explorer load the same number of records as your chart to make
> their values match.  You control the number of records loaded by
> Explorer as follows:
> Click Tools|The Explorer.
> Click the Options button.
> Select Load and type the same number of records you loaded into your
> chart, into the Load Records column.  Click OK and start your
> Exploration.  The chart and Explorer will match when you load the same
> number of records.
> George
> Equis Support

The above solution works for most recent date 
exploring but not back testing . But I feel 
confused as I tried in other explorer formula and 
just back test it the formula by point the date 
to a specified date, it works ! 

Can somebody help me ???

Many thanks and good luck in  investment !!!!
All of you !!
