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Re: Nested Triangle

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Hello Forrest Ho,

I use MS65 and as yet the program cannot come up with a H+S's patterns,
or any other patterns for that matter. I don't know of any software that can.
Up to now this has to be done "visually, by hand".

The Elliot Waves are already done by AdvGet, WinWaves and alikes by using
and comparing present with historical data, and so far this is not impressive in
accurassy, although the first seems to hit the right wave now and again.
Up to now this also has to be done "visually, by hand".

I prefer not to count on unreliable output.
The TA-Basics is the combination.
TA-Basics technics: TA-patterns, TA-channals, TA-rules and principles and
the TA--Indicators.
This program covers 50%, the books the other halve.
Experience and practise then makes this combination of tools a fluent flow.
Technics used by the TA-Basics, the markets principles and technics,
are for instance explained and displayed by TA-analysts, like Achelis, Pring, Elder,
Arms, Fuller, de Kempenaer, Chande, Equis, TAM-NL, and many many others.

The EuroBench-INSECTS-Financials DM (this Euro-uptrend's support along with
the bottoming intrest rates) are topping, with its DAILY-indicators at their
ceilings(highest to-be-reached levels) bending sideways, peaking and therefore
ending this minor-uptrend.
In the next few months we will see a normal 50% correction(or more) of the small
since Nov97 minor-uptrend , the AEX volumes are below Jul/Aug97 average thus
implementing still not confirming the new Highs, 1040 is it's critical level(3%+former
Aug97 High of 1010).
And with 99% of the indicators being heavely oversold on weekly AND daily basis,
this "up-trend" is fake and can go down the books as the Early 1998 False move.
To add to this, major swings in trend-direction often come after strong rallies, either
being a new Temp-High(Aug97) or Temp-Low(Okt97).

Ton Maas.

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Piney <forrest2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Aan: A.J. Maas <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
Datum: zaterdag 21 februari 1998 13:29
Onderwerp: Re: Nested Triangle

Excuse me , I am a metastock 6.5 user . May I ask
you what software are you using ? Can it predict
the pattern of head and shoulder and Wave ?
Forrest Ho

> From:          "A.J. Maas" <anthmaas@xxxxxx>
> To:            "MetaStock List Group" <metastock-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc:            <wil.rijt@xxxxxx>
> Subject:       Nested Triangle
> Date:          Fri, 6 Feb 1998 22:11:09 +0100

> Euro-financials(att.) were the power behind the Sep96-Feb98 Europe's Uptrend.
> They have gained 100% in 1,5 years !!!!!!
> All BASIC-indicators are heavely oversold(breaking out at the top of my screen) or rising.
> Weekly Stoch crossed down its MA5 but remains firmly in 80-100 zone(89).
> Weekly RSI still rising to enter +70.
> Weekly KST stiff erected.
> S&P500,CAC40,DAX30,FTSE100 all made new highs.
> AEX is lacking behind, like the DOW+Nasdaq.
> Nikkei stumbled on heavy resistance-level 17500, and resumes to go much lower.
> (Will bring it to a L.T.(3-5yrs) buy-signal in the RSI if the 14/15000 can hold)
> (in Holland buy the InterEffekt Japanese Warrants Fund below Dfl. 15,=
> as a L.T.-investment aiming for its previous 1990-high at Dfl. 370,=
> might take plenty of years, but it will be worth it ).
> The Grand-Final is thus acknowledged (see my mail to Al's mail on USTB). Prepare to go
> short, buying puts, soon at the TOP of the market, when 9 out of 10 BASICS turn down/
> fall out the overbought territory(feb/mrch)
> second chance: will be when the short-term-uptrend support lines are down broken,
> third chance: will be when we will have pull-backs to these former support-lines(now
> becoming resistance)
> fourth chance: when horizontal support-lines(at main-bottoms in the past) are down broken,
> for the 1998-50% correction roller coaster(notice it can last >6-12 mths).
> Thanks to the 6.5-upgrade: A Nested Triangle in a Triangle(Att.).
> Thanks to the 6.5-upgrade too: a new Default template, or is it the old one "calling" upon
> "upgrade" indicators. Default ain't Default anymore!! Lucky to be warned by other List-members to
> make a "copy" first before upgrading. For other "upgraders" this message should have come with
> the instructions as well. But most of all the upgrade is worth it(also acknowledged by other
> Listers).
> I do own an Iomega-Zip100 for as long as I had my computer and can't see the fuzz about its
> functioning as it is a most handy, compact and most of all no-time-consuming-master of archiving.
> In fact next time I'll go for the 1GB-disk-drive with SCSI. I have heard they are faster in
> input/output exchange than the Paralell-Port I have. Either way can't do without them(and not as
> complex as the Metastock software, but that is relative?)
> Next INSECT-sector index on EuroBenchMark's-list will be "the european Telecom" in both
> DM and U$, (DMarks will be converted to Euro's later) as announced in Het Financieel
> Dagblad(6-2-98), and many more to follow onces they match EBM's levels.
> To Will:
> The Adv's-Decl's are not the problem, it is the AEX's refusal to measure volumes for its
> indexes(Chip had a mailing about this subject), if I had a toko I sure would know the exact
> turnover(=volume)!!!!!!!, but with the EC-market starting coming May, they might turn-around?
> It is the same as what hapened in the late 80's early 90's with the "open"-quote: took them
> years to be confinced that these statistics are a necessity in todays software(except the old
> systems they use over there, DOS-like I suppose).
> Probably this must have happened in 60's-70's as well with the "high" and "low"-quotes.
> Their "monopoly" will get cut down soon when we will have one currency and more Euro-indexes.
> I think we will see mergers of various Exchanges. This way the AEX-indexes will die out and
> loose signifigance like the CBS's indexes.
> That I don't mind. It's time for the New(European) approuch. I don't buy at London's as yet
> but basically it is around the corner, has got so much variaty to offer, f.i. a huge
> Lucky, London and Amsterdam are teaming up, like Frankfurt,Paris and Zurich. Maybe we
> will see a LSAEX-index, combining the LSE's FTSE100 and the AEX (with volumes?????).
> Mind you how many of "us" already buy direct in NewYork, Tokio, Sing/HongK/Syd or Zurich,
> or elswhere! Ahold(Aho) has got warrants listed in Zurich, why buy the shares?
> The "FTSE EuroTop100" alikes will be here "tomorrow", according to EuroBenchMark(+newspapers).
> LSE+FT-SE+S&P +GoldmanSachs are jointly coming up with Euro-indexes as well as the Dow's
> "family" of indexes, jointly with Paris,Frankfurt+Zurich Exchanges. At present we already have the
> MSCI's.
> And there are more Euro-Indexes(see MetaStock6.5-Historical Data-disc).
> Will get back to you on the above Adv-Decl and TRIN.
> Gr./Reg.
> Ton.