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Re: using Jim Greening's indicator settup

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     Thanks for sharing.  I haven't looked at WMT in a long time.  I
couldn't get the GIF to open, but will play with it in other programs
later.  If I can't get it open, I'll take a look on Telescan.  I'll do
so when I finish here.  I have been watching MOT, would just
like to see it retreat to the bottom of its short term up trend
channel for a good entry point.

-----Original Message-----
From: wayne walusiak <waynewal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: metastock-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <metastock-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, February 05, 1998 8:43 PM
Subject: re: using Jim Greening's indicator settup

>Well, now it's time to share. Jim Greening was good enough to share
>thoughts, picks, etc so I took advantage and used some of them and
>some results.
>1) Wallmart (WMT) In at 40.0625, got out at 43.25. Present
>Rsquared(called R2 after this) is .16720/ Tema S/C is -157.729, Tema
>-187.759. It went above 43+ so I put in a stop order at 43 1/4. Got
>stopped out late today. Apparently there was some profit taking. I
>watch the indicators and may get back in if it rises again.
>2) Have acquired IOM at 12.8125 - now at 10 5/16, , BORL at 8.0 (up
>8.75 today), ASND at 29.625 it went to 33+ today & stats look good to
>stay, ADMG at 3.5 which is supposed to be on the way up, but it
>at 3 5/16 today.
>3) Stats on MOT (Motorola) look good. Sold off my NSCP (Netscape) at
>1/8, but it is starting to look good again and factors are rising
>posible buyout with Sun, Republic Inductries (RII ?) looks
>4) I've been using Telechart 2000 to get a 'Balance of Power' and
>'Moneystream' indication so a couple of these like ADMG, ASND.
>at a couple more, but will wait and see.
>5) Bought back into UAL (United Airlines) as its factors look good
>with my retirement plan I have to wait till the 2nd nite closing for
>price....the company handling the plan wants to discourage
>speculation, so we have to wait till the second closing after the
>for buy and sell prices, plus an extra 3 days for the money to get
>into our accoutn after a sell...
>I attached WMT. If anyone is interested in the others I'll post it to
>you. If the group is interested I'll post some more here.
>Disclaimer: NONE of what I have put forth here implies I am doing any
>financial advising either now or in the future. This is merely what I
>have done. You're on your own!
>Jum; Thanks !!! made some money in my retirement account ! Also, need
>get some help from you on where to place the price channels!