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Hello Fellow Traders,
<BR>I received this today. Thought it might help.
<BR>Ajay Sharma,

<P><I>John Ehlers wrote:</I>

<P><I>This contribution by a group member is passed along without verification</I>
<BR><I>for your information.</I><I></I>

<P><I>&nbsp;VIRUS&nbsp; WARNING !!!!!!</I>
<BR><I>>>> > ></I>
<BR><I>>>> > >If you receive an email titled "JOIN THE CREW" DO NOT open
it. It</I>
<BR><I>>>> > will</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >erase everything on your hard drive. Forward this letter
out to</I>
<BR><I>>>> > many</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >people as you can. This is a new, very malicious virus and
<BR><I>>>> > >people know about it. This information was announced yesterday</I>
<BR><I>>>> > morning</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >from IBM; please share it with everyone that might access
<BR><I>>>> > internet.</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book
<BR><I>>>> > this</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >may be stopped. Also, do not open or even look at any mail
<BR><I>>>> > >"RETURNED OR UNABLE TO DELIVERY" This virus will attach itself
<BR><I>>>> > your</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >computer components and render them useless. Immediately
<BR><I>>>> > mail</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >items that say this. AOL has said that this is a very dangerous</I>
<BR><I>>>> > and</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >that there is NO remedy for it at this time. Please practice</I>
<BR><I>>>> > cautionary</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >measures and forward this</I>
<BR><I>>>> > >to all your online friends ASAP.</I>
<BR><I>>>> > ></I>
<BR><I>>>> > >ACT FAST</I>
<BR><I>>>> > ></I>
<BR><I>>>> ></I>
<BR><I>>>> > Jill</I>
</x-html>From ???@??? Mon Feb 02 06:51:50 1998
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Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 00:27:26 -0800 (PST)
From: Chip Anderson <chipamy@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: chipa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: On-line Brokerage Evaluations
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Those of you who use on-line brokers (that'd be all of us right? ;-)
might want to check out http://www.gomezadvisors.com/ to see how your
broker compares to the others out there these days.  The site is
incredibly well organized and useful.  They've just complete some
performance testing in January and the results are very interesting -
both from a speed and a reliability standpoint.  Highly recommended.


Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com