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Re: MetaStock & Tradestation

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On Sat, 6 Dec 1997, JUPU wrote:
> The only thing is the difference between the volume database CD and the
> text file volume...
> Here is an example of the text file:
> AABC,971205,10.2500,10.2500,10.1250,10.1250,1100,0
> Volume is real not with an multiplikator e.g. of the Metastock database CD.
> I think i should write a programm to convert at first the text-file volume
> and than converting with the downloader to my database.
> Any other possibilities??

Here is a Perl script to preprocess text files prior to import into
Metastock. You can easily modify to deal with splits based on values of
$date, change order of prices, etc. to handle other file formats, prepend
"19" to your date string to be Y2K compliant...
Find the free Perl interpreter at http://www.perl.com



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
($inputFile, $outputFile, $multiplier)=@xxxx;
open (INFILE,"$inputFile") || die("Can't open input file $!");
open (OUTFILE,">$outputFile") || die("Can't open output file $!");
while (<INFILE>) {
	($ticker,$date,$o,$h,$l,$c,$v,$oi)=split(/,/, $_);
	print OUTFILE "$ticker,$date,$o,$h,$l,$c,$v,$oi\n";
close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;