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> > Do you or does anyone else know of an analysis program or source to setup
> >15 & 60 min intraday charts?
If you have a source for intraday data, and have a spreadsheet like Excel,
you can
create your own tick charts; that's what I do.
Create a template ( that is, a sheet with whatever you want to have displayed
then every day ( if you're a day trade ) just save that sheet / template as
'save as' and give it the name you want. This way you don't have to be
recreating everything. For example, in my case, for five-min charts for
Cattle, my first column if for the time periods, i.e., '9.05, 9:10, 9:15 and
so on.
the second column is for 'Price', I delete the data from the day before and
start typing today's prices; for the third column, you can create a formula
a mov. avge. or whatever.
I repeat those columns to the right for 10-min and 20 min charts.
You're going to spend some time for creating your template, but once to have
it, it's really simple to follow your market. Also, in the same workbook, I
my charts ( in a different sheet ), so, every time you're entering new
prices, your
charts are being updated automatically.
If you're a futures trader, Excel 8 now lets you include the open price in
Now, if you can afford it, just go ahead a get one of those programs from the
competition, like tradestation, etc. But, why spend hundreds of dollars?.
(I'm happy with Excel.)
Hope this shed some light.
EfraĆn R Portales
Fort Worth