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Re: Gann Time Factor/Cycles

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Subject: dial/data

Herb Carter <carterh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

MDR> Is anyone else having downloading problems with Dial/data the last two
MDR> days? My systems can't seem to receive more than a few symbols at a
MDR> time. It usually will go and collect 8,000 plus in one shot.

That is an interesting comment. I thought it was the internet, or my
system. Sometimes it gets down to 1 or 2 characters per second, and
sometimes the provider software just logs me off. Most of the time it
just is 30 to 40 characters per second till the receive data section
kicks in, when the CPS goes up to 80 to 100.

The phone connection got so bad, that I transferred to the internet. I
thought that Dial Data engineered that deteriorating service to drive
everyone off the phone lines to the internet, but with continuing bad
service on the internet, where are they going to push customers to?

Some days, usually Monday, Dial Data is just not available, and I have
to wait till the next day to get on or to get any data.

Because of this problem of slow connections, I think that probably
Dial Data is using a bunch of OLD modems. Sometimes on my internet
connection, it transmits 3 or 4 quotes, then waits 20 to 30 seconds to
accept more symbols.

Now I am not sure whether the fault is mine, or with Dial Data.


 * SPEED 2.00 #1468 * The truth is more important than the facts.