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whip your puney asteroids:

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

     Right now I like the pullback and small cap searches the most, but that 
varies depending on which investment methodology I favor at the time.  I run 
all four searches each week.  I don't just accept the results of the search, 
but instead look at the charts of each stock I get from the search.  Then I 
add the ones I like, a small per cent of the total, to my database.  Remember, 
I'm just looking for stocks to add to my database and make no purchases as a 
result of the searches.  The searches are just the first step in my investment 
methodology where I add a few stocks to my database each week.  I also prune 
the database periodically to keep the total under 200.  I must admit that the 
ones I add are strictly subjective after looking at the charts, but are based 
mostly on looking for trend channels and breakouts.


-----Original Message-----
Sent:	Tuesday, June 17, 1997 8:42 PM
To:	metastock-list@xxxxxxxxx
Subject:	prosearch 5.0

jim greening posted "telescan" searches.

i copied all 4 searches & i am looking them over- thanks for your posting
&  insight to fundamental analysis.

out of the 4 which ones do you use most often or like the best ?

1. pulbck
