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>My file is called  FILE1.PRN


> 1. First 10 columns for stock or ticker name
> 2.          3 spaces
>3.          8 columns for Open
> 4.          3 spaces
> 5.          8 columns for High
> 6.          3 spaces
> 7.          8 columns for Low
> 8.          3 spaces
> 9.          8 columns for Close
>10.         3 spaces
>11.         9 columns for Volume

This is a fixed width data file, which lends itself very well to import
into Excel or Access and then export to a comma delimited file using a
macro for import via the Downloader or other tool. However, here is the
way I would handle the file using Perl. The trick here is to find a
regular expression to split the data. 

>This is daily data file, however what_data should be variable, where you
>could set it to Daily, Weekly or Monthly
>and then recompile your program for that variable. In this ex. var

Perl is interpreted, not compiled. In any case it is a simple matter to supply 
a command line argument.

>Let's say my input looks like that:
>WESTERN_C1      136.78     156.89     160.44     200.71   222999333        
>WESTERN_C2      136.78     156.89     160.44     200.71   222999333        
>WESTERN_C3      136.78     156.89     160.44     200.71   222999333        
>WESTERN_C4      136.78     156.89     160.44     200.71   222999333        

Seems you have broken your own rules here since your file description does not
match what is displayed. Here we have a file which has plenty of whitespace
which could be spaces, tabs, carriage returns, etc. We know from the
that the file should have one record per row, each field of fixed length and 
separated by 3 spaces. Let's use a routine that splits the data apart on white 
space with the stipulation that the ticker does not contain whitespace (we can 
modify our regular expression to handle that if necessary):

# usage: perl parse.pl inputFile outputFile dataType date
# guess what? Hash(#)=comments, shebang (#!) is special
open (INFILE, "$InputFile") || die ("Input File not found");   
open (OUTFILE, ">$OutputFile") || die("Can't open output file"); 
until (eof(INFILE)) {
        $thisQuote = <INFILE>;  # read a line
        chop ($thisQuote);  # remove end of line char       
        ($t,$o,$h,$l,$c,$vol)=split(/[\s]+/,$thisQuote);  # [1]
	if (length($t)>0) {    # check for bad line [2]
		print OUTFILE ("$t,$o,$h,$l,$c,$vol\n");         
close INFILE;                                                    
close OUTFILE;

#[1] split the line where there are at least one whitespace character [\s]+ and
load result into variables
#[2] use any kind of test here that is relevant

Notice I didn't do anything with $DataType, but you would just include
it in the print statement where needed. You could also either make the 
date a command line argument or calculate it with a Perl function. This 
isn't intended to be a perfect solution, just an example.

How about some examples from a Web site?

