I was wondering if there was a way to access and manipulate (eg: getcount,
getname, add, remove, gettickerlist etc) the AB watch lists via OLE and
MS-Excel's VBA. The AB object model only references "watchlistbits"
as a property of "stock" and a thread in this forum from Nov 2009
"seems" to indicate that this isn't possible? I suppose I can iterate
through the entire list of symbols and check the watchlistbits for each
watchlist membership, but I still wouldn't know the name of the watchlists or
have a way of setting/deleting etc the watchlists.
Basically what I'm trying to do is to get all the watchlists as well as all the
symbols in each watchlist easily in/out of Excel. This would really help in
cleaning, organizing, backing up and creating watch lists "on the
fly" as I have several lists of tickers created from various sources
consolidated in an Excel spreadsheet.
I'm using AB 5.20pro and Excel 2003