I presume that by
now you looked at the price coloring and gotten a feel of its limitations.
Rather than using that approach, I occasionally change the background color.
Unfortunately, there is no way (that I know of) to change the background color
using a statement like SetChartBkColor(PriceCondition ); So there is a work-around shown
below. Again you need a dynamic adjustment, so that you can work with a wide
range of financial instruments (Stocks, e-mini, Forex) without having to
continuously adjust the parameters.
Also there are two band adjustment capabilities: When selecting
Rel. Location you use Band Percentages, when selecting Price you adjust the
price. Don’t forget to use the Reset All button in the parameter box.
2: Using Different Background Colors========================
Title = EncodeColor(4)+ _DEFAULT_NAME()+"; "+EncodeColor(1) + StrFormat("{{NAME}}
- {{INTERVAL}}; {{DATE}}; O=%g, H=%g, L=%g, C=%g (%.1f%%)
{{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) );
DisplaySel=ParamToggle("Display","Rel.Location (%)|Price",0);
UpperPrice=round(10000*(LVVL+0.7*(HVVH-LVVL)))/10000; //Forex: Rounding to get rid of annoying
5th digit; Not strictly necessary
LowerPrice=round(10000*(LVVL+0.3*(HVVH-LVVL)))/10000; //Forex: Rounding to get rid of annoying
5th digit; Not strictly necessary
UPPrice = Param("UpperBand-Price",UpperPrice,LVVL,HVVH,0.0001);
DNPrice = Param("LowerBand-Price",LowerPrice,LVVL,HVVH,0.0001);
UP1 = 100;
UP2 = Param("Upper Band-Bottom (%)",75,0,100,1);
DN1 = Param("Lower Band-Top (%)",25,1,100,1);
FillColorTop= ParamColor("UB Fill Color",colorLightYellow);
FillColorBottom = ParamColor("LB Fill Color",colorAqua);
FillColorBkGnd = ParamColor("BkGnd Fill Color",colorTan);
Plot(50,"",6, ParamStyle("Line
if(DisplaySel) //Adjust with
UP2= (UPPrice -LVVL)/(HVVH-LVVL)*100;
DN1= (DNPrice -LVVL)/(HVVH-LVVL)*100;
Plot(UPPrice ,"UpperBandPrice
Plot(DNPrice ,"LowerBandPrice
",FillColorBottom ,13);
PlotOHLC( UP1,UP1,50,UP1, "", FillColorTop, styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel
|styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1,UP2 );
PlotOHLC( DN2,DN2,50,DN2, "",
FillColorBottom , styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel |styleCloud
| styleClipMinMax, DN1, UP2 );
if(!DisplaySel) //Adjust with
Relative location (% of Total Visible range)
UPPrice = LVVL+UP2*(HVVH-LVVL)/100;
DNPrice = LVVL+DN1*(HVVH-LVVL)/100;
Plot(UPPrice ,"UpperBandPrice
Plot(DNPrice ,"LowerBandPrice
",FillColorBottom ,13);
PlotOHLC( UP1,UP1,50,UP1, "", FillColorTop, styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel
|styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1,UP2 );
PlotOHLC( DN2,DN2,50,DN2, "", FillColorBottom
, styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel |styleCloud |
styleClipMinMax, DN1, UP2 );
amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Potato
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 6:51 PM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [amibroker] Is it possible to color only certain bars in a
price chart based on criteria?
if I want all bars that are between a certain range to be red and the rest
blue, or something like that. Is that possible in AB?