Thanks for the feedback. Replace your copy with the code below and you
will not receive the message. The "Plot Shapes" is for plotting starts
at the Highs and Lows of the various pivots - I have never used it so I
can't be sure that all is right. The error message you received was due
to the fact that the arrays were not turned on when the plot shapes was
turned on. To minimize execution time on my intraday charts I avoid
executing the arrays when the lines or text are not being used. Now the
arrays will also be processed when plot shapes are turned on. I have
not tested the shapes plot yet - it is supposed to plot stars at the
highs and lows of the various time frames. Let me know how it works :-)
David K.
_SECTION_BEGIN("Chart Settings");
SetChartOptions(0, chartShowDates);
dec= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
bc = BarCount-1;
bi = BarIndex();
Lbi = LastValue(bi);
sbi = SelectedValue(BarIndex());
tn = TimeNum();
pxchartright = Status("pxChartRight");//returns y-coordinate of
top-left corner
_SECTION_BEGIN("GFX X Conversion");
function tpX(bar) {
lvb = Status("LastVisibleBar");
fvb = Status("FirstVisibleBar");
pxchartleft = Status("pxChartLeft");
pxchartright = Status("pxChartRight");
pxheight = Status("pxheight");
pxchartwidth = Status("pxChartWidth");
return pxchartleft+(bar-fvb)*pxchartwidth/(Lvb-fvb+1);
_SECTION_BEGIN("GFX Y Conversion");
function tPY(Value) {
local Miny, Maxy, pxchartbottom, pxchartheight;
Miny = Status("AxisMiny");
Maxy = Status("AxisMaxy");
pxchartbottom = Status("pxChartBottom");
pxchartheight = Status("pxChartHeight");
return pxchartbottom - floor(0.5 +(Value-Miny)*pxchartheight/(Maxy-Miny));
_SECTION_BEGIN("GFX Text+Label, GFX Y, Std X");
dec=0; ha=0;
procedure gtx(val,color,string,xpos) {
StrExtract(string,0)+" ",xpos,tpY(SelectedValue(val))+ha,0,0,256);
return gtext; }
_SECTION_BEGIN("Plot Shapes");
procedure plshp(x,y,shape,color,shift)
{ PlotShapes(IIf(BarIndex()==x,shape,0),color,0,y,shift);
lls=0; sln=0;
procedure hrplt(tf,value,color,sty,shf) {
Plot(IIf(tf AND sln==0,value,Null),"",color,sty,0,0,shf);
Plot(IIf(sln==1,Lin,Null),"",color,sty,0,0,shf); }
//Time and Dates
begD = DateNum() != Ref(DateNum(),-1);//Begin New Day
fboD = LastValue(ValueWhen(begD,bi,1));//First Bar of Day
endD = DateNum() != Ref(DateNum(), 1);//End of Day
lboD = LastValue(ValueWhen(endD,bi,1));//Last Bar of Day
lbpd = LastValue(ValueWhen(begD,bi,2)-1);//Last Bar of
Previous Day
tday = DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum(),1);//Includes current
fbod to future lbod
pdaz= ValueWhen(begD,Ref(DateNum(),-1),1);//All bars
prior to existing lbod
prdaz=pdaz AND NOT tday;
notda= NOT tday;
_SECTION_BEGIN("Intraday Time Pivots");
ipv = ParamList("Sup Res Pivots","Off|All|Calculate|OHLC|Lines|Labels",3);
psh= ParamToggle("Plot Shapes", "Off|On",0);
htx = Param("Text Shift",18,-200,150,1);
sln= ParamToggle("Short Lines", "Off|On",1);
lls = Param("Short Line Length",3,0,500,1)*10;
shf = Param("Shift Line Right",2,0,50,1);
rsc = ParamToggle("No Rescale","Off|On",1);
sty = ParamStyle("Style",4096);
optn= Param("Market Open",93000,00000,235959,000500);
cltn= Param("Market Close",161500,00000,235959,000500);
plsi= Param("Start Plotting",083000,00000,240000,000500);
plei= Param("End Plotting",161500,00000,240000,000500);
function tvy(tstart,tframe,array) {
if(array==1)y = ValueWhen(tframe,HighestSince(Cross(tn,tstart),H),1);
if(array==2)y = ValueWhen(tframe,LowestSince(Cross(tn,tstart),L),1);
return y0; }
function xbar(tstart,tframe,array) {
if(array==1) {
x=BarIndex()==ValueWhen(tframe AND H==y,bi);
x0=bc-LastValue(BarsSince(x>0),1); }
if(array==2) {
x=bi==ValueWhen(tframe AND L==y,bi);
x0=bc-BarsSince(x>0); }
return x0; }
if(ipv=="All" OR ipv=="Calculate" OR ipv=="Lines" OR ipv=="Labels" OR
ipv=="OHLC" OR psh==1) {
pmtn = optn-010000; premkt = tn >= pmtn AND tn <= optn;
mk05 = optn+000500; tfrm05 = tn>=optn AND tn<= mk05;
mk15 = optn+001500; tfrm15 = tn>=optn AND tn<= mk15;
mk30 = optn+003000; tfrm30 = tn>=optn AND tn<= mk30;
mk45 = optn+004500; tfrm45 = tn>=optn AND tn<= mk45;
mk60 = optn+010000; tfrm60 = tn>=optn AND tn<= mk60;
mkss = 110000;
mkse = 133000; tfrslo = tn>=mkss AND tn<= mkse;
va30 = 154500; tfva30 = tn>=va30 AND tn<= cltn;
va2h = cltn-020000; tf2hrs = tn>=va2h AND tn<= cltn;
mktHrs = tn>=optn AND tn<= cltn;
pltval = tn>=plsi AND tn<= va2h;
cyHi = HighestSince(bi==fbod,H);
cxHi = ValueWhen(tday AND H==cyHi,bi);
cyLo = LowestSince(bi==fbod,L);
cxLo = ValueWhen(tday AND L==cyLo,bi);
pyHi = ValueWhen(prdaz,HighestSince(bi==lbpd,H),1);
pxHi = ValueWhen(H==pyHi AND NOT tday ,bi);
pyLo = ValueWhen(prdaz,LowestSince(bi==lbpd,L),1);
pxLo = ValueWhen(L==pyLo AND NOT tday,bi);
mkOp = ValueWhen(Cross(tn,cltn),O,1);
xmOp = bc-BarsSince(Cross(tn,optn)>0);
mkCl = ValueWhen(Cross(TimeNum(),160000),C);
xmCL = bc-BarsSince(Cross(TimeNum(),160000)>0);
xpmk = bc-BarsSince(Cross(tn,optn)>0);
poHi=tvy(pmtn,premkt,1); poLo=tvy(pmtn,premkt,2);
mkHi=tvy(optn,mktHrs,1); mkLo=tvy(optn,mktHrs,2);
Hi05=tvy(optn,tfrm05,1); Lo05=tvy(optn,tfrm05,2);
Hi15=tvy(optn,tfrm15,1); Lo15=tvy(optn,tfrm15,2);
Hi30=tvy(optn,tfrm30,1); Lo30=tvy(optn,tfrm30,2);
Hi60=tvy(optn,tfrm60,1); Lo60=tvy(optn,tfrm60,2);
vH2h=tvy(va2h,tf2hrs,1); vL2h=tvy(va2h,tf2hrs,2);
vH30=tvy(va30,tfva30,1); vL30=tvy(va30,tfva30,2);
ACDos = (Hi15- Lo15) * 0.50;
ACDHi=Hi15+ACDos; ACDLo=Lo15-ACDos;
dRange = cyHi - cyLo;
mRange = mkHi - mkLo;
sty1=8|sty|rsc*2048; sty2=32|sty|rsc*2048;
tfplt = TimeNum()>=plsi AND TimeNum()<=plei;
if(ipv=="All" OR ipv=="Lines" OR ipv=="OHLC") {
hrplt(tfplt,mkOp,29,sty1,shf); hrplt(tfplt,mkCl,55,sty1,shf);
hrplt(tfplt,poHi,10,sty1,shf); hrplt(tfplt,poLo,10,sty1,shf);
hrplt(tfplt,mkHi,32,sty1,shf); hrplt(tfplt,mkLo,34,sty1,shf);