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Re: [amibroker] Increase and decrease a var with two GFX buttons.

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Thank you Ed, I learn by small step.

Here is the application that is easier to use than CTRL R.

It seems that I can't store the default value to retrieve it at the 
openning, I need a click to display Fibo lines.

Next evolution will be to use the same formula in two panes without 
interaction between the vars.

Best regards

// Fibonacci with GFX adjustment

Fibonacci with GFX adjument by two buttons in right margin
Easier to use than AB parameters windows.
Set "Blank bars in the right margin = 10"
to avoid the following SetChartOptions

//SetChartOptions( 2, chartHideQuoteMarker );


RequestTimedRefresh( 1 );


function DrawButton( Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, BackColor )
     GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );
     GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 800 );
     GfxSelectPen( colorBlack );
     GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
     GfxSelectSolidBrush( BackColor );
     GfxSetBkColor( BackColor );
     GfxSetTextColor( 1 );
     GfxRectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
     GfxDrawText( Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32 | 1 | 4 );

step = 0.05;

pds = Param("pds", 0.30, 0.05, 5, 0.05);
StaticVarSet("pds", pds);
sDefaultValue= Nz(StaticVarGet("pds"));
sDefaultValue = StaticVarGet ( "sDefaultValue" );
StaticVarSet( "sDefaultValue", 0.30 ); // medium value in 5 minutes 

_TRACE("sDefaultValue= "+sDefaultValue);

pxchartwidth = Status( "pxchartwidth" );
shiftM = 40;
XOffset  = StaticVarGet( "XOffset" );
YOffset  = StaticVarGet( "YOffset" );
XOffset  = pxchartwidth - shiftM ; // X1 minus button
YOffset  = 0;//Y1 minus button
SquareSide = 20;
X1m = XOffset  ;
X2m = Xoffset + SquareSide ;
Y1m = YOffset  ;
Y2m = yOffset + SquareSide ;
// Draw Minus Button
DrawButton( "-", Xoffset, yOffset, Xoffset + SquareSide , yOffset + 
SquareSide , colorRed );

shiftP = 17;
XOffsetP  = StaticVarGet( "XOffset" );
YOffsetP  = StaticVarGet( "YOffset" );
XOffsetP  = pxchartwidth - shiftP ; // X1 plus button
YOffsetP  = 0;//Y1 plus button
X1p = XOffsetP  ;
X2p = XoffsetP + SquareSide ;
Y1p = YOffsetP  ;
Y2p = yOffsetP + SquareSide ;
// Draw Plus Button
DrawButton( "+", XoffsetP, yOffsetP, XoffsetP + SquareSide , yOffsetP + 
SquareSide , colorGreen );

//LButtonTrigger = GetCursorMouseButtons() & 1;
LButtonTrigger	= GetCursorMouseButtons() == 9;
numClicks = Nz( StaticVarGet( "counter" ), sDefaultValue );

if ( LButtonTrigger )
     MousePx  = Nz( GetCursorXPosition( 1 ) );
     MousePy  = Nz( GetCursorYPosition( 1 ) );

     CursorInMinus = MousePx > X1m AND MousePx < X2m AND MousePy > Y1m 
AND MousePy < Y2m;
     CursorInPlus = MousePx > X1p AND MousePx < X2p AND MousePy > Y1p 
AND MousePy < Y2p;

     if ( CursorInMinus )
         DrawButton( "-", Xoffset, yOffset, Xoffset + SquareSide , 
yOffset + SquareSide , colorYellow );
         StaticVarSet( "counter", numClicks - step   );

     if ( CursorInPlus )
         DrawButton( "+", XoffsetP, yOffsetP, XoffsetP + SquareSide , 
yOffsetP + SquareSide , colorYellow );
         StaticVarSet( "counter", numClicks + step   );

//Title = "Clicks Counter: " + StaticVarGet( "counter" );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Price" );
//_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} \nOp %g, \nHi 
%g, \nLo %g, \nCl %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( 
ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor( "Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | 
styleCandle  | styleThick );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Fibonacci" );
//Offset = 5; //use two sheets: one with 5 and another with 7, or maybe 
other offset value
//Avgmov = Offset * MA( abs( ROC( C, 1 ) ), 20 );
//per = LastValue( Avgmov );//original value
per = StaticVarGet( "counter" );//Param( "Pivot %", 0.3, 0.05, 6, 0.05 );
_TRACE("per = "+per );
x = Cum( 1 );
Range = 0.01;
PS = TroughBars( L, per, 1 ) == 0;
xa = LastValue( ValueWhen( PS, x, 1 ) );//x from last trough
Ya = LastValue( ValueWhen( PS, L, 1 ) );//y (Low) last trough
PR = PeakBars( H, per, 1 ) == 0;
xb = LastValue( ValueWhen( PR, x, 1 ) );//x from last peak
Yb = LastValue( ValueWhen( PR, H, 1 ) );//y (High) last peak
Trough_ReTest = abs( ( L / ya ) - 1 ) < Range;
Peak_ReTest = abs( ( H / yb ) - 1 ) < Range;
Trough_Cross = Cross( ya, C );
Peak_Cross = Cross( C, yb );

//UP = upSwing DN = downSwing
UP = xb > xa;
DN = xa > xb;

RT23_6 = IIf( UP, yb - ( yb - ya ) * 0.236, IIf( DN, ya + ( yb - ya ) * 
0.236, -1e10 ) );

RT38_2 = IIf( UP, yb - ( yb - ya ) * 0.382, IIf( DN, ya + ( yb - ya ) * 
0.382, -1e10 ) );

RT50_0 = IIf( UP, yb - ( yb - ya ) * 0.500, IIf( DN, ya + ( yb - ya ) * 
0.500, -1e10 ) );

RT61_8 = IIf( UP, yb - ( yb - ya ) * 0.618, IIf( DN, ya + ( yb - ya ) * 
0.618, -1e10 ) );

RT78_6 = IIf( UP, yb - ( yb - ya ) * 0.786, IIf( DN, ya + ( yb - ya ) * 
0.786, -1e10 ) );

RT127_2 = IIf( UP, yb - ( yb - ya ) * 1.272, IIf( DN, ya + ( yb - ya ) * 
1.272, -1e10 ) );

RT161_8 = IIf( UP, yb - ( yb - ya ) * 1.618, IIf( DN, ya + ( yb - ya ) * 
1.618, -1e10 ) );

//RT261_8 = IIf( UP, yb - ( yb - ya ) * 2.618, IIf( DN, ya + ( yb - ya ) 
* 2.618, -1e10 ) );

RT = IIf( UP, -100 * ( yb - L ) / ( yb - ya ), 100 * ( H - ya ) / ( yb - 
ya ) );//Retracement_Value

InZone = C<yb & C>ya;

Plot( IIf( x > xa, ya, -1e10 ), "", colorBrown, 1 + 8 );//"Bottom"
Plot( IIf( x > xb, yb, -1e10 ), "", colorBrown, 1 + 8 );//"Top"

xab = IIf( xb > xa, xb, xa );


Plot( IIf( x >= xab + 1, RT23_6, -1e10 ), "", colorWhite, 1 );//"23,6% 

Plot( IIf( x >= xab + 1, RT38_2, -1e10 ), "", colorGreen, 1 );//"38,2% 

Plot( IIf( x >= xab + 1, RT50_0, -1e10 ), "", colorYellow, 1 );//"50,0% 

Plot( IIf( x >= xab + 1, RT61_8, -1e10 ), "", colorRed, 1 + 8 );//"61,8% 

Plot( IIf( x >= xab + 1, RT78_6, -1e10 ), "", colorBlue, 1 + 8 
);//"78,6% Retr."

Plot( IIf( x >= xab + 1, RT127_2, -1e10 ), "", colorSkyblue, 1 
);//"127,2% Retr."

Plot( IIf( x >= xab + 1, RT161_8, -1e10 ), "", colorLavender, 1 
);//"161,8% Retr."

//Plot( IIf( x >= xab + 1, RT261_8, -1e10 ), "", colorDarkGreen, 1 
);//"261,8% Retr."


_N( Title =  StrFormat( "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} \nOp : %g \nHi 
: %g \nLo : %g \nCl : %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}\n", O, H, L, C, 
SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )
              + "per Fib = " + WriteVal( per, 1.2 ) + " \nCurrent 
Correction = " + WriteVal( RT, 1.0 ) + "%" );

Edward Pottasch a écrit :
> Reinsley,
> I believe you need to use set and get, like:
> pds = Param("pds", 10, 5, 100, 1);
> StaticVarSet("pds", pds);
> pds = Nz(StaticVarGet("pds"));
> Title = "pds: " + pds;
> rgds, Ed
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "reinsley" <reinsley@xxxxxxxx>
> To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [amibroker] Increase and decrease a var with two GFX buttons.
> Hello Ed,
> Yes, I started from examples in the UKB. I missed the library entry,
> however this code is huge and not easy to understand the vars.
> Thank you to point this interesting formula, a lot of things to dissect...
> One of the many issues I met before to see the Aron's example is in the
> following code.
> For some reason, the default value is 1 as I expected 10 !
> AB's rules have reasons that basic user ignores.
> // param static var
> pds = Param("pds", 10, 5, 100, 1);
> pds = StaticVarSet("pds", pds);
> Title = "pds: " + pds;
> Best regards
> Edward Pottasch a écrit :
>> not sure about the answer to your question but I am sure you know about
>> the code on buttons that has been published in the UKB. You might also
>> want to check this library entry which I also still have to study but
>> looks very interesting:
>> http://www.amibroker.com/members/library/formula.php?id=1175
>> <http://www.amibroker.com/members/library/formula.php?id=1175>
>> regards, Ed
>>     ----- Original Message -----
>>     *From:* Reinsley <mailto:reinsley@xxxxxxxx>
>>     *To:* amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>     *Sent:* Saturday, November 07, 2009 6:58 PM
>>     *Subject:* [amibroker] Increase and decrease a var with two GFX 
>> buttons.
>>     Hello,
>>     I would like to decrease Myparam of 0.25 on each clic inside the red
>>     button.
>>     I complicated with static var but Myparam comes back to 5 as it is
>>     declared at the beginning of the formula.
>>     How to decrease a var with a GFX button ?
>>     To give an idea of what I want to do , once this point solved, my
>>     next step will be to increase of 0.25 the same Myparam with a Plus
>>     button to adjust a Fibonacci step. I will add Fibonacci code at the
>>     very end.
>>     AB parameters windows lacks some ergonomics in real time.
>>     I draw the buttons in the upper right side, after the bars, as quote
>>     marker will not be activate.
>>     Thanks for the help
>>     Best regards
>>     // draw a red square + inside click
>>     //SetChartOptions( 2, chartHideQuoteMarker );
>>     Myparam = Param( "TheValue", 5, 0, 5, 0.25 );
>>     StaticVarSet( "Myparamstat ", Myparam );
>>     Myparam = StaticVarGet( "Myparamstat " );
>>     _TRACE( "Myparamstat = " + Myparam );
>>     function DrawButton( Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, BackColor )
>>     {
>>     GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );
>>     GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 800 );
>>     GfxSelectPen( colorBlack );
>>     GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
>>     GfxSelectSolidBrush( BackColor );
>>     GfxSetBkColor( BackColor );
>>     GfxSetTextColor( 1 );
>>     GfxRectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
>>     GfxDrawText( Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32 | 1 | 4 );
>>     }
>>     shift = 40;
>>     XOffset = StaticVarGet( "XOffset" );
>>     YOffset = StaticVarGet( "YOffset" );
>>     pxchartwidth = Status( "pxchartwidth" );
>>     XOffset = pxchartwidth - shift ; // X1
>>     YOffset = 0;//Y1
>>     SquareSide = 20;
>>     X1m = XOffset ;
>>     X2m = Xoffset + SquareSide ;
>>     Y1m = YOffset ;
>>     Y2m = yOffset + SquareSide ;
>>     DrawButton( "-", Xoffset, yOffset, Xoffset + SquareSide , yOffset +
>>     SquareSide , colorRed );
>>     LButtonTrigger = GetCursorMouseButtons() == 9;
>>     _TRACE( "LButtonTrigger = " + LButtonTrigger );
>>     if ( LButtonTrigger )
>>     {
>>     MousePx = Nz( GetCursorXPosition( 1 ) );
>>     MousePy = Nz( GetCursorYPosition( 1 ) );
>>     CursorInMinus = MousePx > X1m AND MousePx < X2m AND MousePy > Y1m
>>     AND MousePy < Y2m;
>>     _TRACE( "CursorInMinus = " + CursorInMinus );
>>     if ( CursorInMinus )
>>     {
>>     DrawButton( "-", Xoffset, yOffset, Xoffset + SquareSide , yOffset +
>>     SquareSide , colorYellow );
>>     Myparam = StaticVarGet( "Myparamstat " );
>>     Myparam = Myparam - 0.25;
>>     _TRACE( "Myparamstat2 = " + Myparam );
>>     RequestTimedRefresh( 1 );
>>     }
>>     }
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