My first looping attempt has a syntax error, I would appreciate it if a kind soul would fix this syntax error for me!
TJ>>plain arithmetic operations (+/-/*) need to be written as loops.,
Steve, graciously coded this>savg = ( y2F2t50g + Flvg + y2F2t25g + Lavg + Lcvg ) / 5; as the loop shown below
for ( i = 0, i < BarCount, i ++ )
savg[i] = ( y2F2t50g[i] + Flvg[i] + y2F2t25g[i] + Lavg[i] + Lcvg[i] ) / 5;
So, as a test, I coded this>asvg=(savg+Lavg+Lcvg+svg+Flvg+y2F2t25g)/6; as the
loop per below , and I got a syntax error.
for ( i = 0, i < BarCount, i ++)