Is there newer version of this toolkit?
amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:25 AM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [amibroker] Impunity Comfort
Importance: High
2003 ---
Take control of your computer and online experience
with this complete toolkit for Windows.
In this one inexpensive collection you'll find a wide
range of tools, notes and instructions to help you
* learn to do more with your computer
* protect yourself from a wide range of threats
* access remote networks
* secure your privacy and anonymity online
A partial list of the programs, freeware, shareware,
documents and demos you'll receive appears below.
Just two or three of these items would be well worth
the cost, but you get them all.
Norton is great for a limited range of functions; these
are the additional tools the pros use.
Print this page, complete the form below and mail
with your $17.95 check or money order to:
(Money Orders and Bank Checks are processed upon receipt.
Please allow an additional five days for personal checks.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: _____ Zip: ________
Phone (optional): ( _______ ) _________________________
Email: ___________________________________________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Partial list of included programs, freeware, shareware, demos and
Anonymity -- Hide your identity on the Web and email.
- No Referrer
- Privacy Companion
- Private Idaho
Anti-Spyware -- Block or disable advertiser-sponsored programs that
secretly transmit information back to companies.
- Ad-Aware
- Aureate/Radiate Remover
- Flow Protector
Anti-Trojan Horse -- Detect, block, and remove remote access Trojan Horse
- BODetect
- The Cleaner
- Jammer
Anti-Virus -- Detect, remove, and block viruses.
- eSafe Protect Desktop
- F-Prot
- InoculateIT
Bulk Emailers -- Send mail to large lists.
- Express Mail Server
- Stealth Mass Mailer
Cache & Cookie Cleaners -- Protect your privacy by completely removing
Cookies and Internet Cache.
- AdSubtract SE
- Complete Cleanup
- Cookie Crusher
Desktop Security -- Generate good passwords and protect your computer while
you are away.
- Benjamin Password Generator
- Fake DOS
- ISS Complock II
Disassemblers -- Reveal the assembly language source code of programs so
you can see how they work.
- IDA Pro Disassembler
- Letun Disassembler
DNS Lookup -- Verify a domain's existence, and perform Ping, TraceRoute,
WhoIs, Finger, and more.
- Cyberkit
- DNS Workshop
- Domain Searcher
Encryption Cracker -- Crack files encrypted with DES.
- BrydDES
File Encryption -- Scramble your data using a variety of algorithms, to
keep your information safe.
- Absolute Security
- Blowfish-C
- Blowfish-Java
File Integrity Checkers -- Detect changes in your files that could someone
has accessed your computer.
- Veracity
File Shredders -- Securely delete files to prevent access by forensics and
recovery programs.
- ASL File Wiper
- Assure
- BCWipe
Forensics -- Retrieve information from deleted files and formatted disks.
- Directory Snoop
- Disable
- Disk Drive Analysis
Hex Editors -- Look at hidden data inside files and disk sectors, and
modify contents.
- ASL HexView
- Frhed
- Hex Editor
Honey Pot Traps -- Catch and counter-attack hackers.
- NetBuster
- Tambu UDP Scrambler
How To -- Information about hacking written by hackers.
- The Complete Social Engineering FAQ
- Countermeasures
- The Ethics of Hacking
Intrusion Detection -- Block or monitor the ports on your computer detect
probes and intrusion attempts.
- Anti-Hack
- AntiSniff
- Attacker
IRC Clients -- Connect to Internet Relay Chat (IRC) communities where
hackers meet.
- Pirch98
- Visual IRC
Keystroke loggers -- See what others are doing with your computer in your
- 2Spy
- AppsTraka
- KeyKey 2000
Packet Sniffers -- Capture and analyze all information traveling across a
- Network Sniffer
- TraceWolf Packet Sniffer
Parental Control -- Limit and monitor Internet access and program use on
your computer.
- Enuff
Password Recovery -- Recover forgotten passwords.
- 007 Password Recovery
- Access Data
- Advanced Zip Password Recovery
Port Scanners -- Analyze ports on your network to detect vulnerabilities.
- AA Tools
- AntiSniff
- Internet ports
Remote Monitoring -- Silently monitor a computer at another location.
- NetBus Pro
- PC Spy
- Qpeek
Rollback -- Return your computer to a previous state to recover from a
virus, system crash, or hacker attack.
- ConfigSafe
- Aladdin FlashBack
- System Safe
Spam Fighters -- Block or filter incoming e-mail.
- Spam Buster
- Spam Hater
- Spam Killer
Steganography -- Hide data in graphics or sound files.
- Contraband
- dc-Steganograph
- Gif-It-Up
System Locks -- Keep unauthorized users from accessing your computer.
- DesktopShield 2000
- Klik-Lok
- Workstation Lock
Voice Encryption -- Use this program to encrypt voice transmissions over
the Internet or other networks.
- PGPFone
Vulnerability Scanners -- Scan your computer or network against a database
of known exploits and openings.
- Kane Security Analyst
- Retina
Web Site Protection -- Protect your Web site from getting attacked or
- WebAgain
- WebCrypt
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