I have decided to try daytrading, so now I need to pay for a streaming
realtime data source for Amibroker, and I would like for it to be PAID
Yahoo streaming realtime.
I developed a custom indicator using Yahoo EOD data that uses the last
29 days of Yahoo data. Additionally, his indicator does 29 calculations on
EACH of these 29 EOD bars. Volume is NOT used, and data ACCURACY is
not very important due to the massive amount of smoothing and resmoothing
of the data.
I saw posts on http://www.onlyperceptions.co.cc/ for a plugin that down
loads streaming data from http://www.money.rediff.com. However,the
money.rediff website does not work.
I would
appreciate hearing about any discussions of TJ adding a plugin for
YAHOO streaming realtime data.
Additionally, are any programmers on this board interested in developing a
plugin for this paid Yahoo streaming data. Ron D
PS, I saw this post below by TJ indicating that AMIQUOTE is not capable of this.
For RT Quote window you need a real-time streaming data
source plugin
(like eSignal plugin) AmiQuote is a stand alone application that provides
snapshot, 20 min delayed data fed by regular ASCII importer.
Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko