My amibroker version 5.00 suddenly started showing WEEKLY dates when It is set on DAILY view.
This occurred right after I CLICKED ON FILE>NEW>database and I directed it to go to a folder that I previously created in NOTEPAD that I named DATABASES and I left it empty.
I then broused to replace the MYNEWDATA folder with the new DATABASES folder.
This is the first time that I have tried to make a new database, so the next thing I did while this DATABASES file was showing in the FILEPATH was to click on CREATE.
Amibroker then IMMEDIATELY loaded this newly created DATABASES folder, and naturally the chart panes were all blank.
I then reloaded the US-Stocks Yahoo EOD DATA , and this is when this WEEKLY problem appeared.
Is there somekind of reset function in Amibroker to make it correct again. I did look in Tools>Preferences, and saw nothing that I could change. I would appreciate hearing suggestions. Ron D