I think, I know what you are doing wrong but, I don't understand this
behaviour in AmiBroker. Perhaps Howard can comment on this post. I
was reading about filters in Howard's book and I was wondering what
is the difference between calculating a value of weekly indicator
using daily data or doing it with TimeFrameSet controls?
Clearly, one can calculate m, w and d average of RSI by just using
parameters w = d * 5 and m = w * 4
(RSI(50) + RSI(10) +RSI(2))/3
In the script below your original avg does not change with the scroll
function when TImeFrameExpand is added to calculate the average.
However, can someone explain why average calculated from daily data
(green plot line) is different to the average calculated using
TimeFrameSet (red plot line)?
TimeFrameSet(inMonthly);//switch to monthly time frame
m_rsi=RSI(2);//monthly rsi(2)
TimeFrameRestore(); // restore time frame to original(daily)
TimeFrameSet(inWeekly);//switch to weekly time frame
w_rsi=RSI(2);//weekly rsi(2)
TimeFrameRestore(); // restore time frame to original(daily)
MonthlyRSI = TimeFrameExpand( m_rsi, inMonthly );
WeeklyRSI = TimeFrameExpand( w_rsi, inWeekly );
AvgRSI = (MonthlyRSI + WeeklyRSI + RSI(2))/3 ; //monthly, weekly and
daily avg with TimeFrameSet control
Plot((m_rsi + w_rsi +RSI(2))/3,"avg. m-w-d rsi",colorWhite);
Plot(AvgRSI, "ExpRSIavg", colorRed);
Plot((RSI(50) + RSI(10) +RSI(2))/3, "RSIavg", colorGreen); //monthly,
weekly and daily avg with daily
--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxps.com,
"triangle702000" <jkra70@xxx> wrote:
> I've attempted to put together an indicator to display the average
> the monthly,weekly,and daily RSI. At first glance it seemed
to come
> out ok,but when I used the bar at the bottom right of the screen
> scroll back in time,I noticed that the new indicator changes when
> scrolling while with a regular RSI,or any other indicator for that
> matter,the values stay the same for any particular day even though
> they are scrolling by on the screen.( I'm not sure if I'm
> this very clearly.)
> For instance, say the value is 16.33 for aug. 1 2008. If I use the
> bar to scroll back , the indicator line changes as it's scrolling
> if I click on aug 1 again the value will be different say 7.29.
> I calculated the average of the last day shown manually and it
> not match the value shown by the indicator.It's my first
> using "timeframe", so I'm still trying to get the hang of
> for any help you can give. Here's the code I wrote...
> SECTION_BEGIN("avg of m,w,d rsi");
> TimeFrameSet(inMonthly);//switch to monthly time frame
> m_rsi=RSI(2);//monthly rsi(2)
> TimeFrameRestore(); // restore time frame to original(daily)
> TimeFrameSet(inWeekly);//switch to weekly time frame
> w_rsi=RSI(2);//weekly rsi(2)
> TimeFrameRestore(); // restore time frame to original(daily)
> Plot((m_rsi + w_rsi +RSI(2))/3,"avg. m-w-d rsi",colorWhite);