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[amibroker] Re: Matching User Input Date Parameters

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The key points are as follows:

1. trigger = (D == dn);
This will put a 1 (i.e. true) in the array at the single point where 
the user entered date equals the DateNum.

2. cause = IIF(trigger, i, cause);
This will put the param index (i.e. 1..10) in the array at any point 
that trigger is true, else keep whatever the array used to have. 
Since trigger is only true at the single point that the date matches, 
this effectively sets a single location within the cause array, 
stores "1" when D1 matched, "2" when D2 matched, etc. Happens once 
for each param set since we iterate through the sets once.

3. plotcontrol = IIF(trigger, 1, plotcontrol);
This will put a 1 (i.e. true) in the array at any point that trigger 
is true, else keep whatever the array used to have. Since trigger is 
only true at the single point that the date matches, this effectively 
sets a single location within the plotcontrol array to true, leaving 
all other locations as they were. Happens once for each param set 
since we iterate through the sets once.

4. Point 3 above applies for pshape and each of LP1..LP9 as well.

5. During PlotText, we pull out the param set index from the cause 
array (i.e. 1..10 as set in point 2 above) for use in our 

The rest is all exactly as you had it.


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Snoopy <snoopy.pa30@xxx> wrote:
> Mike,
> Thank you.  I can't say that I completely understand it yet, but I 
> be walking through the code until I do.
> Coming from a C programming background, I am still trying to wrap 
> head around the AmiBroker way of using Array processing. 
> Thanks again, and I will let you know how it goes into the Flexible 
> Parameters system.
> Blair
> Mike wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've modified your grouping code to give a 100 times speedup over
> > 4000 bars.
> >
> > I simplified the logic to do everything as array manipulations 
> > than within a loop. Only the plotting of text was left in a loop.
> >
> > I suspect that your biggest problem was the repeated assignment 
of an
> > entire array to a single array element at each bar in the loop.
> >
> > e.g.
> > LP1[k] = iif( varget( "L" + i ) >= 1, 1, 0 );
> >
> > IIF performs a calculation of the entire array, which you were
> > evalutating at every bar.
> >
> > As always, hand check everything before accepting it as valid.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > // Paramaters Organized by Grouping
> >
> > // Date Parameters - in Numeric form (DateNum values)
> > // Level Parameters (0-9)
> > // Text Parameters for On Screen Comments
> > // Symbol Parameters 0-4 (0 - None, 1 - Triangle, 2 -
> > D1 = Param( "D01", 1081010, 1000101, 1101231, 1 );
> > L1 = Param( "L01", 2, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T1 = ParamStr( "T01", "Text 01" );
> > S1 = Param( "S01", 2, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D2 = Param( "D02", 1081003, 1000101, 1101231, 1 );
> > L2 = Param( "L02", 8, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T2 = ParamStr( "T02", "Text 02" );
> > S2 = Param( "S02", 4, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D3 = Param( "D03", 1080926, 1000101, 1101231, 1 );
> > L3 = Param( "L03", 3, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T3 = ParamStr( "T03", "Text 03" );
> > S3 = Param( "S03", 3, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D4 = Param( "D04", 1081017, 1000101, 1101231, 1 );
> > L4 = Param( "L04", 1, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T4 = ParamStr( "T04", "Text 04" );
> > S4 = Param( "S04", 4, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D5 = Param( "D05", 1081024, 1000101, 1101231, 1 );
> > L5 = Param( "L05", 7, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T5 = ParamStr( "T05", "Text 05" );
> > S5 = Param( "S05", 1, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D6 = Param( "D06", 1081031, 1000101, 1101231, 1 );
> > L6 = Param( "L06", 2, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T6 = ParamStr( "T06", "Text 06" );
> > S6 = Param( "S06", 1, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D7 = Param( "D07", 1081107, 1000101, 1101231, 1 );
> > L7 = Param( "L07", 5, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T7 = ParamStr( "T07", "Text 07" );
> > S7 = Param( "S07", 3, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D8 = Param( "D08", 1080919, 1000101, 1101231, 1 );
> > L8 = Param( "L08", 6, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T8 = ParamStr( "T08", "Text 08" );
> > S8 = Param( "S08", 2, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D9 = Param( "D09", 0, 0, 1101231, 1 );
> > L9 = Param( "L09", 0, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T9 = ParamStr( "T09", "" );
> > S9 = Param( "S09", 0, 0, 4, 1 );
> > D10 = Param( "D10", 0, 0, 1101231, 1 );
> > L10 = Param( "L10", 0, 0, 9, 1 );
> > T10 = ParamStr( "T10", "" );
> > S10 = Param( "S10", 0, 0, 4, 1 );
> >
> > // Set up the Color Arrays
> > color1 = colortan;
> > color2 = colordarkyellow;
> > color3 = colorpink;
> > color4 = colorturquoise;
> > color5 = colorgreen;
> > color6 = coloryellow;
> > color7 = colorred;
> > color8 = colorblue;
> > color9 = colorgrey50;
> >
> > // Set up the Shapes Arrays
> > shape0 = shapedowntriangle;
> > shape1 = shapeuptriangle;
> > shape2 = shapecircle;
> > shape3 = shapesquare;
> > shape4 = shapestar;
> >
> > // Set Both DateNum vs BarIndex
> > dn = DateNum();
> > bi = BarIndex();
> >
> > // Initialize the Plot control array
> > plotcontrol = 0;
> >
> > // Initialize the Level Plot control Arrays
> > LP1 = LP2 = LP3 = LP4 = LP5 = LP6 = LP7 = LP8 = LP9 = 0;
> >
> > // Initialze the Plot Shape control array
> > pshape = shapeNone;
> >
> > // Initialize cause of plot
> > cause = 0;
> >
> > for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
> > D = VarGet("D" + i);
> > S = VarGet("S" + i);
> > L = VarGet("L" + i);
> >
> > trigger = (D == dn);
> > cause = IIF(trigger, i, cause);
> > plotcontrol = IIF(trigger, 1, plotcontrol);
> > pshape = IIF(trigger, VarGet("shape" + S), pshape);
> >
> > for (j = 1; j <= 9; j++) {
> > LP = VarGet("LP" + j);
> > VarSet("LP" + j, IIF(trigger, L >= j, LP));
> > }
> > }
> >
> > // For Reference - Plot the Zero and One Level
> > Plot(0, "Zero", colorred, styleline + stylenolabel + 
> > Plot(1, "One", colorred, styleline + stylenolabel + stylenotitle);
> >
> > // Plot the text
> > for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++) {
> > if (cause[i]) {
> > PlotText(" " + VarGetText("T" + cause[i]), i, VarGet("L" + cause
> > [i]) * 0.11, VarGet("color" + VarGet("L" + cause[i])));
> > }
> > }
> >
> > // Now handle plotting the stack of shapes
> > for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
> > Plotshapes(plotcontrol * VarGet("LP" + i) * pshape, VarGet("color"
> > + i), 0, 0, (i - 1) * 15);
> > }
> >
> > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:amibroker%
> > Snoopy <snoopy.pa30@> wrote:
> > >
> > > AmiBroker Group,
> > >
> > > I am attaching Test code so you can run it and see what I am 
> > to
> > > do. My analysis involves Manually determining these dates and
> > levels.
> > > No way yet to have AFL calculate them for me.
> > >
> > > DatesTest01.afl has the parameters Grouped by type (Date, Level,
> > Text,
> > > Symbol)
> > > DatesTest02.afl has the Parameters Grouped by input (one block 
> > each
> > > input set)
> > >
> > > I have put in valid daily values so you will see some results. 
> > will
> > > have to Manually adjust the size of this chart pane to have the
> > Text
> > > Align with the Top Symbol.
> > >
> > > Mike - Thanks for your response. I liked the idea of inputting 
> > > dates in DateNum format that you showed in your response. I used
> > it
> > > here in the tests.
> > >
> > > As I expect my analysis to involve anywhere from 10-50 points, 
> > can
> > > (hopefully) see the potential problems.
> > >
> > > I am using Dennis Brown's Flexible Parameters to handle the
> > Parameter
> > > screen for user input, but hope that someone on the list here 
> > > suggest a more efficient / better method to do what I have 
> > When
> > > I want to scale it up to the 50-100 points, I am afraid the
> > processing
> > > time will make it impractical.
> > >
> > > Any and all suggestions appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > /*
> > > Simple Test of Matching Dates 02
> > >
> > > Parameters Organized by Grouping
> > >
> > > Quick Summary of System
> > > User inputs the Date, Level, and Comment for a Level event
> > > A level (1-9) event sets all levels below it
> > > i.e. If on Date 3 you have a Level 6 event, then
> > > you need to show Levels 1-6 (symbols) for
> > that date
> > >
> > > Desired Results:
> > > A STACK (Level #) of Colored symbols with the Text
> > >
> > > Issues:
> > > 1. How to Process
> > > 2. How to Scale up to 20-50-100 Dates
> > > 3. When Scaling up - Managing the Parameters Screen
> > > 4. In this example - the order/grouping of the parameters
> > > 5. Combining PlotShapes (Pixel based Placement) and PlotText
> > ($ based Placement)
> > >
> > > Resolutions:
> > > 1. Ask the Group
> > > 2. Ask the Group
> > > 3. Using the Flexible Parameters from Dennis Brown
> > > 4. Using the Flexible Parameters in live system to Group
> > Parameters and build Sub Menus
> > > 5. Plot indicator in seperate chart pane and manually size
> > scale in 0-1 range
> > >
> > > */
> > > // Paramaters Organized by Grouping
> > >
> > > // Date Parameters - in Numeric form (DateNum values)
> > > // Level Parameters (0-9)
> > > // Text Parameters for On Screen Comments
> > > // Symbol Parameters 0-4 (0 - None, 1 - Triangle, 2 -
> > > D1 = Param("D01", 1081010, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > L1 = Param("L01", 2, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T1 = ParamStr("T01", "Text 01");
> > > S1 = Param("S01", 2, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D2 = Param("D02", 1081003, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > L2 = Param("L02", 8, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T2 = ParamStr("T02", "Text 02");
> > > S2 = Param("S02", 4, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D3 = Param("D03", 1080926, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > L3 = Param("L03", 3, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T3 = ParamStr("T03", "Text 03");
> > > S3 = Param("S03", 3, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D4 = Param("D04", 1081017, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > L4 = Param("L04", 1, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T4 = ParamStr("T04", "Text 04");
> > > S4 = Param("S04", 4, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D5 = Param("D05", 1081024, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > L5 = Param("L05", 7, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T5 = ParamStr("T05", "Text 05");
> > > S5 = Param("S05", 1, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D6 = Param("D06", 1081031, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > L6 = Param("L06", 2, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T6 = ParamStr("T06", "Text 06");
> > > S6 = Param("S06", 1, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D7 = Param("D07", 1081107, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > L7 = Param("L07", 5, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T7 = ParamStr("T07", "Text 07");
> > > S7 = Param("S07", 3, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D8 = Param("D08", 1080919, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > L8 = Param("L08", 6, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T8 = ParamStr("T08", "Text 08");
> > > S8 = Param("S08", 2, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D9 = Param("D09", 0, 0, 1101231, 1);
> > > L9 = Param("L09", 0, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T9 = ParamStr("T09", "");
> > > S9 = Param("S09", 0, 0, 4, 1);
> > > D10 = Param("D10", 0, 0, 1101231, 1);
> > > L10 = Param("L10", 0, 0, 9, 1);
> > > T10 = ParamStr("T10", "");
> > > S10 = Param("S10", 0, 0, 4, 1);
> > >
> > > // Set up the Color Arrays
> > > color0 = colorwhite; // I Am using a Black background
> > > color1 = colortan;
> > > color2 = colordarkyellow;
> > > color3 = colorpink;
> > > color4 = colorturquoise;
> > > color5 = colorgreen;
> > > color6 = coloryellow;
> > > color7 = colorred;
> > > color8 = colorblue;
> > > color9 = colorgrey50;
> > >
> > >
> > > // Set up the Shapes Arrays
> > > shape0 = shapedowntriangle;
> > > shape1 = shapeuptriangle;
> > > shape2 = shapecircle;
> > > shape3 = shapesquare;
> > > shape4 = shapestar;
> > >
> > > // Set Both DateNum vs BarIndex
> > > dn = DateNum();
> > > bi = BarIndex();
> > >
> > > // Due to the STACK of PlotShapes Required - How do I Process
> > this...??
> > >
> > > // Initialize the Plot control array
> > > plotcontrol = 0;
> > >
> > > // Initialize the Level Plot control Arrays
> > > LP0 = LP1 = LP2 = LP3 = LP4 = LP5 = LP6 = LP7 = LP8 = LP9 = 
LP10 =
> > 0;
> > >
> > > // Initialze the Plot Shape control array
> > > pshape = shapenone;
> > >
> > > // loop through all bars to see if it matches a date and then 
> > the control arrays
> > > for(k=1; k<BarCount; k++)
> > > {
> > > i=0; // set the starting value for the do loop
> > > do
> > > {
> > > i++; // Increment the looping variable
> > > pshape[k] = VarGet("shape" + VarGet("S"+i));
> > >
> > > if(dn[k] == VarGet("D"+i))
> > > {
> > > plotcontrol[k] = 1;
> > >
> > > // Set the shape to Plot
> > > // Do I need to get this plottext statement moved? How?
> > > // plottext( text, x, y -
> > in Dollars (Y Scale), color, bkcolor);
> > > PlotText(" " + VarGetText("T"+i), k,
> > (VarGet("L"+i)-1)*0.11, VarGet("color"+VarGet("L"+i)));
> > > // now set the Level Plot array values
> > > /* Method 1 - appears to not work
> > > for (m=1; m<11; m++)
> > > {
> > > VarSet("LP" + m + "[" + k + "]", iif
> > (VarGet("L"+i)>=1,1,0));
> > > }
> > > */
> > > /* Method 2 - BFI - Brut Force and Ignorance
> > > */
> > > LP1[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=1,1,0);
> > > LP2[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=2,1,0);
> > > LP3[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=3,1,0);
> > > LP4[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=4,1,0);
> > > LP5[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=5,1,0);
> > > LP6[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=6,1,0);
> > > LP7[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=7,1,0);
> > > LP8[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=8,1,0);
> > > LP9[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=9,1,0);
> > >
> > > break; // to break out of the DO LOOP (I
> > Hope)
> > > // Assumption that Actual
> > Date only entered Once!!
> > >
> > > }
> > > } while( i<11);
> > > }
> > >
> > > // For Reference - Plot the Zero and One Level
> > > //plot(Array, name, color, style, min, max, xshift);
> > > Plot(0,"Zero", colorred, styleline+stylenolabel+stylenotitle);
> > > Plot(1,"One", colorred, styleline+stylenolabel+stylenotitle);
> > >
> > >
> > > // Now handle plotting the stack of shapes
> > > for(i=1; i<11; i++)
> > > {
> > > // plotshapes(
> > shape, color, layer,
> > yposition, offset);
> > > Plotshapes(plotcontrol*VarGet("LP" + i)*pshape, VarGet
> > ("color"+i), 0, 0, (i-1)*15);
> > > }
> > >
> > > /*
> > > Simple Test of Matching Dates
> > >
> > > Parameters Organized by Type
> > >
> > > Quick Summary of System
> > > User inputs the Date, Level, and Comment for a Level event
> > > A level (1-9) event sets all levels below it
> > > i.e. If on Date 3 you have a Level 6 event, then
> > > you need to show Levels 1-6 (symbols) for
> > that date
> > >
> > > Desired Results:
> > > A STACK (Level #) of Colored symbols with the Text
> > >
> > > Issues:
> > > 1. How to Process
> > > 2. How to Scale up to 20-50-100 Dates
> > > 3. When Scaling up - Managing the Parameters Screen
> > > 4. In this example - the order/grouping of the parameters
> > > 5. Combining PlotShapes (Pixel based Placement) and PlotText
> > ($ based Placement)
> > >
> > > Resolutions:
> > > 1. Ask the Group
> > > 2. Ask the Group
> > > 3. Using the Flexible Parameters from Dennis Brown
> > > 4. Using the Flexible Parameters in live system to Group
> > Parameters and build Sub Menus
> > > 5. Plot indicator in seperate chart pane and manually size
> > scale in 0-1 range
> > >
> > > */
> > >
> > > // Date Paramaters - in Numeric form (DateNum values)
> > > D1 = Param("D01", 1081010, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > D2 = Param("D02", 1081003, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > D3 = Param("D03", 1080926, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > D4 = Param("D04", 1081017, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > D5 = Param("D05", 1081024, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > D6 = Param("D06", 1081031, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > D7 = Param("D07", 1081107, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > D8 = Param("D08", 1080919, 1000101, 1101231, 1);
> > > D9 = Param("D09", 0, 0, 1101231, 1);
> > > D10 = Param("D10", 0, 0, 1101231, 1);
> > >
> > > // Level Parameters
> > > L1 = Param("L01", 2, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L2 = Param("L02", 8, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L3 = Param("L03", 3, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L4 = Param("L04", 1, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L5 = Param("L05", 7, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L6 = Param("L06", 2, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L7 = Param("L07", 5, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L8 = Param("L08", 6, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L9 = Param("L09", 0, 0, 9, 1);
> > > L10 = Param("L10", 0, 0, 9, 1);
> > >
> > > // Text Parameters for On Screen Comments
> > > T1 = ParamStr("T01", "Text 01");
> > > T2 = ParamStr("T02", "Text 02");
> > > T3 = ParamStr("T03", "Text 03");
> > > T4 = ParamStr("T04", "Text 04");
> > > T5 = ParamStr("T05", "Text 05");
> > > T6 = ParamStr("T06", "Text 06");
> > > T7 = ParamStr("T07", "Text 07");
> > > T8 = ParamStr("T08", "Text 08");
> > > T9 = ParamStr("T09", "");
> > > T10 = ParamStr("T10", "");
> > >
> > > // Symbol Parameters
> > > S1 = Param("S01", 2, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S2 = Param("S02", 4, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S3 = Param("S03", 3, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S4 = Param("S04", 4, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S5 = Param("S05", 1, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S6 = Param("S06", 1, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S7 = Param("S07", 3, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S8 = Param("S08", 2, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S9 = Param("S09", 0, 0, 4, 1);
> > > S10 = Param("S10", 0, 0, 4, 1);
> > >
> > > // Set up the Color Arrays
> > > color0 = colorwhite; // I Am using a Black background
> > > color1 = colortan;
> > > color2 = colordarkyellow;
> > > color3 = colorpink;
> > > color4 = colorturquoise;
> > > color5 = colorgreen;
> > > color6 = coloryellow;
> > > color7 = colorred;
> > > color8 = colorblue;
> > > color9 = colorgrey50;
> > >
> > > // Set up the Shapes Arrays
> > > shape0 = shapedowntriangle;
> > > shape1 = shapeuptriangle;
> > > shape2 = shapecircle;
> > > shape3 = shapesquare;
> > > shape4 = shapestar;
> > >
> > > // Set Both DateNum vs BarIndex
> > > dn = DateNum();
> > > bi = BarIndex();
> > >
> > > // Due to the STACK of PlotShapes Required - How do I Process
> > this...??
> > >
> > > // Initialize the Plot control array
> > > plotcontrol = 0;
> > >
> > > // Initialize the Level Plot control Arrays
> > > LP0 = LP1 = LP2 = LP3 = LP4 = LP5 = LP6 = LP7 = LP8 = LP9 = 
LP10 =
> > 0;
> > >
> > > // Initialze the Plot Shape control array
> > > pshape = shapenone;
> > >
> > > // loop through all bars to see if it matches a date and then 
> > the control arrays
> > > for(k=1; k<BarCount; k++)
> > > {
> > > i=0; // set the starting value for the do loop
> > > do
> > > {
> > > i++; // Increment the looping variable
> > > pshape[k] = VarGet("shape" + VarGet("S"+i));
> > >
> > > if(dn[k] == VarGet("D"+i))
> > > {
> > > plotcontrol[k] = 1;
> > >
> > > // Set the shape to Plot
> > > // Do I need to get this plottext statement moved? How?
> > > // plottext( text, x, y -
> > in Dollars (Y Scale), color, bkcolor);
> > > PlotText(" " + VarGetText("T"+i), k,
> > (VarGet("L"+i)-1)*0.11, VarGet("color"+VarGet("L"+i)));
> > > // now set the Level Plot array values
> > > /* Method 1 - appears to not work
> > > for (m=1; m<11; m++)
> > > {
> > > VarSet("LP" + m + "[" + k + "]", iif
> > (VarGet("L"+i)>=1,1,0));
> > > }
> > > */
> > > /* Method 2 - BFI - Brut Force and Ignorance
> > > */
> > > LP1[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=1,1,0);
> > > LP2[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=2,1,0);
> > > LP3[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=3,1,0);
> > > LP4[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=4,1,0);
> > > LP5[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=5,1,0);
> > > LP6[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=6,1,0);
> > > LP7[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=7,1,0);
> > > LP8[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=8,1,0);
> > > LP9[k] = iif(varget("L"+i)>=9,1,0);
> > >
> > > break; // to break out of the DO LOOP (I
> > Hope)
> > > // Assumption that Actual
> > Date only entered Once!!
> > >
> > > }
> > > } while( i<11);
> > > }
> > >
> > > // For Reference - Plot the Zero and One Level
> > > //plot(Array, name, color, style, min, max, xshift);
> > > Plot(0,"Zero", colorred, styleline+stylenolabel+stylenotitle);
> > > Plot(1,"One", colorred, styleline+stylenolabel+stylenotitle);
> > >
> > >
> > > // Now handle plotting the stack of shapes
> > > for(i=1; i<11; i++)
> > > {
> > > // plotshapes(
> > shape, color, layer,
> > yposition, offset);
> > > Plotshapes(plotcontrol*VarGet("LP" + i)*pshape, VarGet
> > ("color"+i), 0, 0, (i-1)*15);
> > >
> >
> >  
> -- 
> *Snoopy *
> "Still trying to shoot down that Red Baron"


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