yes you have to use style styleCloud
there are many examples in the help file
_SECTION_BEGIN("Stochastic styleCloud");
SetChartOptions( Mode = 0, Flags = 0, gridFlags = 0) ;
SetChartBkColor( ParamColor("Öüíôï ",colorBlack) );
GraphXSpace= 5;
function StochMom(array, periods, smoothpds, smoothpds2)
mid = ( HHV(H,periods) + LLV(L,periods) )/2 ;
diff = HHV(H,periods) - LLV(L,periods) ;
alpha = 2 / (smoothpds+1) ;
alpha2 = 2 / (smoothpds2+ 1);
X1 = AMA(array-mid, alpha);
X2 = AMA(X1, alpha2);
X3 = AMA(diff,alpha) ;
X4 = AMA(X3,alpha2) /2;
return Min(1,(X2/X4) )*100 ;
Param1 = ParamToggle("Price Field","Close|(H+L)/ 2",0);
Price = IIf(Param1== 0,C,(H+L) /2);
LongK = StochMom(Price, 21,10,3);
LongD = EMA(LongK,4) ;
ShortK = StochMom(Price, 7,3,3);
ShortD = EMA(ShortK,3) ;
//Colour Arrays
LongColour = IIf(LongK>LongD,colorGreen,
colorRed) ;
ShortColour = IIf(ShortK>ShortD,colorBlue, colorOrange) ;
PlotOHLC(LongK, LongK,LongD, LongK,"",LongColour, styleCloud, -100, 100);
PlotOHLC(ShortK, ShortK,ShortD, ShortK,"",ShortColour, styleCloud, -100, 100);
Plot(50,"",colorGrey50, styleDashed| styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(60,"",colorGrey50, styleDashed| styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(-60,"",colorGrey50, styleDashed| styleNoLabel) ;
Plot(-50,"",colorGrey50, styleDashed| styleNoLabel) ;
You can use minvalue, maxvalue in PlotOHLC:
PlotOHLC( ... styleCloud|styleOwn Scale, -100, 100)
At 05:24 AM 23-09-2008 23-09-2008, you wrote:
>Must be my day for questions.
>If I create 2 indicators, let’s say a Stoch D and a Stoch K in the same
>pane. Is there any way of color filling the gap between the 2 plotted lines?