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I have searched but I can't find an answer but I'm sure it can be done.
I want to have 4 charts in one pane, easy enough to do but I want to be able to have 4 different symbols on the charts in a single pane. I know I can open 4 panes and stack them but I only want to click on a tab to get a quick look at 4 different symbol charts.
I found this:
Inserting a new chart for a different symbol
You can insert a new chart for a different symbol. The new symbol will have its own tab.
To compare two symbols on the same chart, click here
To insert a new chart
- Click File > New > Blank chart
A blank chart window is opened in the same pane as the existing price chart. The new chart will have its own tab at the top, but the tab will have the same symbol as the existing price chart. See the next figure:
- In the explorer window, click the Charts tab.
- In the explorer tree, open the Basic Charts branch.
- Drag the Price chart to the new blank window.
- To change the tab to the new symbol, click here.
- To view the charts in both tabs simultaneously, use the tile feature.
That makes new panes. Any way to get 4 different stock charts in one pane?
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