I have an EOD day procedure that is Tedious/Error-prone to operate. I
would like to automate this system but do not want to take time away from my
primary project to study OLE/CBT. I also would like to Backtest this system,
if possible.
If you can help me then perhaps I can return the favor by writing some afl
for you. Consider it bartering. Publicly or privately.
The AFL is working, I am using it, I only need high level OLE automation
code that I can call from the AB Tool's menu. For example:
Initialize( initAFLFile )
// This afl could be included in the
first exploration
Explore( ExploreAFL1, Startdate, Enddate ) //
Other options are set, and data/WL is saved, in afl
BackTest( SysAFL1, StartDate, Enddate )
// Other options are set, and data/WL is saved, in afl
BackTest( SysAFL2, StartDate, Enddate )
// Backtests use CBT to collect/save a number of performance metrics
BackTest( SysAFL3, StartDate, Enddate )
BackTest( SysAFL4, StartDate, Enddate )
Explore( ExploreAFL2, StartDate, Enddate ) //
This step sorts and populate the final trading WLs with n tickers from each
It would seem that only two OLE functions are required. The idea is that i
can call these functions in any order.
I take care of exports, Watchlist maintenance, and settings in my afl
As always, if/when this gets implemented, some other requirements may show
up and follow-up support me be needed.
This would involve calling the above procedure bar by bar to create daily
trading lists. This step may involve the WalkForward Backtester that calls the
OLE, and/or CBT. I have no idea if this is possible and where to start with
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated,