I'm hoping someone can help me figure out why the following code seems to
be missing buy and sell signals. If you overlay this code on a 30 minute bar
chart of ESU8 using day session only data, you will see it missed a buy signal
at 10:30 am today. Missed a sell yesterday at 11:30 am. Both of these were
signals that would have been ignored if the exrem statements were left in,
because it was already positioned in the direction of the signal. However, if
you go back to 7/22 you will se where it missed an initial buy at 1:30pm, the
bar immediately after the sell at 1:00pm. All times Central. I have found many
missed signals and cannot determine what is causing it.
Should be buying when it crosses the most recent peak high and selling
when crossing the most recent peak low. I would think this is about as simple
as it gets and I still can't make it work properly.
SetFormulaName ("Pivot Point
Building block
Entry based on price crossing a peak high or peak low.
PHigh = ( Ref (H, -2) > Ref (H, -3) AND Ref (H, -2) > Ref (H, -1) );
PHighPrice = ValueWhen(Phigh, Ref(H,-2),
PLow = ( Ref (L, -2) <
Ref (L, -3) AND Ref (L, -2) < Ref (L, -1) );
PLowPrice = ValueWhen(PLow, Ref(L,-2),
Buy = Cross(H, PhighPrice);
Sell = Cross (PLowPrice, L);
Short = Cross
(PLowPrice, L);
Cover = Cross (H, PHighPrice);
BuyPrice = Max (PHighPrice, Open);
ShortPrice = Min
(PLowPrice, Open);
SellPrice = Min (PLowPrice, Open);
CoverPrice = Max
(PHighPrice, Open);
//Buy=ExRem( Buy,Sell) ;
//Sell=ExRem( Sell, Buy);
//Short=ExRem( Short,Cover) ;
//Cover=ExRem( Cover,Short) ;
PlotShapes (IIf(Buy,shapeUpArrow,shapeNone), colorGreen,0,Low );
PlotShapes (IIf(Sell,shapeHollowDownArro
w,shapeNone), colorRed,0,High);
PlotShapes (IIf(Short,shapeDownArrow,shapeNone), colorRed,0,High );
PlotShapes (IIf(Cover,shapeHollowUpArrow,shapeNone), colorGreen,0,Low);
"PHigh: " + NumToStr( PHigh, 1.2
"PLow: " +
NumToStr( PLow,
1.2 );
"PHighPrice: " + NumToStr( PHighPrice, 1.2 );
"PLowPrice: " + NumToStr( PLowPrice, 1.2
"Buy: "
+ NumToStr(
Buy, 1.2
"Short: " +
NumToStr( Short, 1.2
PositionSize = MarginDeposit;