Thanks for the suggestion but it
did not help speed things up. Maybe it did but not enough that I could
measure. The SP500 still said it would take almost 2 hours to sort.
I am still on the hunt...
Totrank = rocrank + rsirank; needs to be taken out out of {}
(is this what is called a loop?) for version 5.10.
// Ranking_Alt01.
afl KSC 07/05/2008
// Original code by Paul Ho, Amibroker list 07/05/2008
// Modifications and expansions by Ken Close 07/05/2008
// Will ordinal rank every symbol in watchlist for every bar.
mOwnROC = ROC(C, 14);
mOwnRSI = RSIa(C, 14);
mRoc = 0;
mRSI = 0;
list = CategoryGetSymbols(categoryWatchlist, 16);
ROCcount[0] = rocrank[0] = 0;
RSIcount[0] = RSIrank[0] = 0;
for(i = 0; (sym = StrExtract(list, i)) != ""; i++)
mRoc = ROC(C, 14);
mRSI = RSIa(C, 14);
n = !IsNull(mRoc);
m = !IsNull(mRSI);
roccount += n;
rsicount += m;
rocrank = IIf(Nz(mRoc) > mOwnROC, Rocrank + n, rocrank);
rsirank = IIf(Nz(mRsi) > mOwnRSI, Rsirank + m, rsirank);
//Totrank = rocrank + rsirank;
Totrank = rocrank + rsirank;
ROCn = ROC(C, 14);
RSIn = RSIa(C, 14);
Filter = 1;
Buy = Sell = 0;
AddColumn(ROCn, "ROCn",1.2);
AddColumn(RSIn, "RSIn",1.2);
AddColumn(mRoc, "MROC", 1.2);
AddColumn(ROCrank, "ROCRank", 1.0);
AddColumn(RSIrank, "rsirank",1.0);
AddColumn(Totrank, "Totrank", 1.0);
// To check the sorting, run on a watchlist, then click once on the
date column,
// Then shift click on one of the indicators, ie, RSIn, and you will
see the
// ordinal values in order.