I'm trying to add a number of rows to
the end of an exploration that represent totals via Addcolumn,
I'm building a "pseudo string array" by concatenating
the strings into a comma separated string. The array part comes thru the
use of StrExtract( list, item ) where item would be the index.
How can
I get the "array" to be emitted one row per
Sector | Industry
| Ticker | blah ....
Basic Matrl| Synthetics |
ABC | blah ....
Basic Matrl| Synthetics | BCD |
blah ....
Basic Matrl| Synthetics | CDE | blah
Basic Matrl| Synthetics | Total | blah
where "Total" would
be from the "string array".
I can't use
Addtotalrows as I want to have subtotals.