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[amibroker] Need Help with this AFL

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Hi Guys,

I have this swing chart AFL written by Tomasz Janeczko. I  need to make one small change with this. Can you guys please help me with this code. I have no clue about AFL coding.
Thanks in advance.

Here are three images.

1.JPG - http://img256.imageshack.us/my.php?image=88526163zd2.jpg
This is how the swing charts look. The swing chart is overlayed on the candle chart here. The thing violet lines that are going in between the candle sticks are called swing charts.

2.JPG - http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/5580/45828959mz4.jpg
I have marked  points 1,2,3 and 4.
Lets call Point 1 as swing low.
Point2 as swing high.
Point3 as swing low.
Point4 as swing high. Basically these are values at which a swing/change in price took place. I have also put the values at which the swing took place in the image. which is 2258, 2298,2285, 2318 respectively.

3.JPG - http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=98935283ta8.jpg
This is the how I want the swing charts to look. Basically I want the swing range printed above/below the swing.
Example - Look at Point 2. Its replaced with 40 now.
Meaning Point 1 - Point 2 = 2258 - 2298 = -40. Remove the minus and just print the number.
Example 2 - Look at Point 3. Its replaced with 13.
Meaning Point 2 - Point 3 = 2298 - 2285 = 13
Similarly with Point 4.

Here is the original piece of code. Can you guys please make the changes for me.

/* Gann Swing chart v4 */
/* Last modified 24 Feb 2001 */
/* AFL implementation by */
/* (C)2001 Tomasz Janeczko  */
/* one and two - bar reversal version */

/* Change this to 1 for two-bar mode */
twobarmode = 0;

outsidebar = Outside();
insidebar = H <= Ref( H, -1 ) AND L >= Ref( L, -1 ); // built-in inside() works with < > instead of <= >=

upbar = H > Ref( H, -1 ) AND L >= Ref( L, -1 );
downbar = L < Ref( L, -1 ) AND H <= Ref( H, -1 );

upbar2 = upbar OR ( outsidebar AND Ref( downbar, 1 ) ) ;
downbar2 = downbar OR ( outsidebar AND Ref( upbar, 1 ) );

Poi =  outsidebar AND Ref( insidebar, 1 );
Poo =  outsidebar AND Ref( outsidebar, 1 );
Pooi = Poo AND Ref( insidebar, 2 );
Poio = Poi AND Ref( outsidebar, 2 );
Poii =  Poi AND Ref( insidebar, 2 );
Pooo = Poo AND Ref( outsidebar, 2 );
Poooi = Pooo AND Ref( insidebar, 3 );
Pooio = Pooi AND Ref( outsidebar, 3 );
Poioo = Poio AND Ref( outsidebar, 3 );

upbar3 = upbar2 OR ( Poi AND Ref( downbar, 2 ) );
downbar3 = downbar2 OR ( Poi AND Ref( upbar, 2 ) );
upbar4 = upbar3 OR ( Poo  AND Ref( upbar, 2 ) );
downbar4 = downbar3 OR ( Poo  AND Ref( downbar, 2 ) );

upbar5 = upbar4 OR  ( Pooi AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );
downbar5 = downbar4 OR  ( Pooi  AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );

upbar6 = upbar5 OR  ( Poio AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );
downbar6 = downbar5 OR  ( Poio  AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );

upbar7 = upbar6 OR  ( Poii AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );
downbar7 = downbar6 OR  ( Poii  AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );

upbar8 = upbar7 OR  ( Pooo AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );
downbar8 = downbar7 OR  ( Pooo AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );

upbar9 = upbar8 OR  ( Poooi AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar9 = downbar8 OR  (Poooi  AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

upbar10 = upbar9 OR  ( Pooio AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar10 = downbar9 OR  (  Pooio AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

upbar11 = upbar10 OR  (  Poioo AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar11 = downbar10 OR  ( Poioo  AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

fupbar = upbar11;
fdownbar = downbar11;
// Two-bar mode handling
fupbar = IIf( twobarmode, fupbar AND Ref( fupbar, 1 ), fupbar );
fdownbar = IIf( twobarmode, fdownbar AND Ref( fdownbar, 1 ), fdownbar );

/* Barcount since most recent up and down swings */
Us = BarsSince( fupbar  );
Ds = BarsSince( fdownbar ) ;

Sd1 =IIf( Us==0, 1,  IIf( Ds==0, -1, 0) );

Sd2 = IIf( Sd1 == 1,  IIf( Ref( BarsSince(Sd1==1), -1) > Ref( BarsSince( Sd1 == -1), -1), 1, 0),
          IIf( Sd1 == -1,  IIf( Ref( BarsSince(Sd1==1),-1) < Ref( BarsSince( Sd1 == -1),-1), -1, 0),  0 ) );

g0 =  ValueWhen( Sd2, Sd2 ); /* sample and hold non-zero values */

/* shift back one bar, add one dummy swing at the end and shift forward */
/* to ensure proper handling of the last swing */
lastbar = Cum(1) == LastValue( Cum(1) );
swinglevel = IIf( g0 == -1, HighestSince( Sd2 == 1, H ), LowestSince( Sd2 == -1, L ) );
swinglevel = IIf( lastbar, IIf( g0 == -1, LowestSince( Sd2 == -1, L ), HighestSince( Sd2 == 1, H )), Ref( swinglevel, 1 ) );

/* Gann Swing chart drawn here */
Graph1 =  Ref( ValueWhen( Ref( Sd2 != 0, 1 ) OR lastbar, swinglevel ,  0 ), -1 );
Graph1Style = 512+1024;
GraphXSpace = 5;

/* Colourized price bars drawn here */
/* graph0 = close; */
/* graph0style = 128; */
/* barcolor =  IIF( outsidebar, 1, IIF( downbar, 4, IIF( upbar, 5, 0 ) ) ); */
/* graph0barcolor = ValueWhen( barcolor != 0, barcolor ); */


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