Vertical Study Line Dates
Spent several hours on this yesterday –
I must not be reading something right. Let me rephrase the
question, On a horizontal study line you can read the value of the study
(x-axis ) and use it to compare to other values in AFL. For a vertical
line – what is the value being returned – dates, datenum, nulls,
true/false? I am assuming it is a date - but it must be something else.
I would like to ultimately read the y-axis (date) and display it in a low level
graphics table – but right now I can’t even read it,
Test Code follows :
Any steering in the right direction is
appreciated I am sure I am missing some very basic point.
Best Regards
From: David Weller
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008
9:58 PM
To: 'amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: Date Functions
This is probably going to be easy. I am working with
some low level graphics and want the difference between two vertical study
lines (dates) – number of days. I realize that
“currently” the low level graphincs works with numbers (not dates)
but I was hoping that the daysremaining would come out to be an interger (like
subtracting 2 dates in excel) or I could make it come out as an
integer. There must be a trick or function as I am sure you can do
I have the following code:
Daysremaining = Study("OE",OSSID) - Study("OD",OSSID);
Thanks in advance