The new format (.chart) *is* XML already.
Old formats are kept unchanged for backward
Best regards, Tomasz Janeczko amibroker.com
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1:37
Subject: RE: [amibroker] Layout
Any chance you'll be changing layouts and templates to
XML in the near future?
Yes it is possible and described in the User's
To Save chart into new format do the following:

1. Click with RIGHT MOUSE button over the chart and select
2. In the file dialog, "Files of
type" combo select "Chart Template, Complete (*.chart)"
Type the file name and click Save.
To load previously saved
complete chart do the following:
1. Click with RIGHT MOUSE button
over the chart and select Template->Load...
2. In the file
dialog, select previously saved *.chart file and press
Note: The procedure AmiBroker does internally is as
follows: When you save the chart into new format it saves XML file
a) names of all sheets, panes, their sizes, locations and other
settings b) paths to all formulas used by all panes c) the text of
formulas themselves
When you load the chart in new format
AmiBroker: a) sets up the sheets/panes according to information stored in
the file b) for each formula stored in the file it checks if the same
formula exists already on target computer: - if it does not exist - it
will create one - if it exists and the contents is identical to the
formula stored in .chart file it will do nothing - if it exists and the
contents is different then it will create NEW formula filewith _imported.afl
suffix (so old file is not touched) and will reference the pane to the
_imported.afl formula instead.
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you use any
#include files AmiBroker will store the contentsof include files as well
inside chart file and will attempt to recreate them on target machine.
Please note that in case of includes it will check if it exists and if it is
different. If both conditions are met (different file exists already) it
will ask to replace or not. If you choose to replace - it will replace and
make backup of existing one with .bak extensionIf you are using any files in
"standard include files and include them using <> braces, AmiBroker
will restore files in target machine standard include folder as well evenif
the standard include folder path is different on the source
A new .chart format is intended to be used to port charts
between different computers. For storing layouts/templates on local computer
you should rather use old formats as they consume much less space (they
store only references,not the formulas themselves). One may however use new
format for archiving purposes as it keeps formulas and all references in one
file that is very convenient for backups. Best
regards, Tomasz Janeczko amibroker.com
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 5:40 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Layout Question.
> Hi, > >
> I would like to ask about "Layout", Is it passable to copy it to my
> second PC or I have to create it from scratch in the other
PC. > > All the best > > > > Please
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