String Static variables behave different from Numeric Static Variables;
they do not need to be initialized at the start of the code. They will always
return "" (Empty string) when called for the first time.
However if you want to re-initialize them to an empty string you indeed
use StaticVarSetText
("isinitialized","") it will not insert
the ticker name...
best regards,
Thursday, March 8, 2007, 6:54:53 AM, you wrote:
> |
Hello Herman
I understand how one initializes numeric
StaticVarSet variable as a clip from one of your
shows, where it's set to 0 "naught"
Filter = Status("LastBarInTest");
WL1 = 0; //WL2 is selected with Filter;
// Calculate the RS1 for WL1 just once, when the
first stock in the filter is tested
if(Status("StockNum") == 0 )
StaticVarSet("IsInitialized", 0);
if( StaticVarGet("IsInitialized") == 0
However, I'm looking for help on initializing text
string static variables to blanks and can't seem to find documentation
or a clip on this. If I use this approach.
StaticVarSetText ("isinitialized","")
.....I think it inserts the current ticker
Best regards